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Converting mongodb node codes to php [closed]

my node codes work, but when I want to write it in PHP, it does not work. can you help? node code mongo sh works without any problems db.mevcutlot.aggregate([{$match: {_id: {$ne: null}}}, { $...
Yusuf Damista's user avatar
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Meta data omitted when adding data object to array - Laravel

I have the following function in Laravel : public static function foo($data) { if (gettype($data) === 'array') $data = (object)$data; return $data; } That prints the following data: {...
vasilaou's user avatar
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3 answers

Add key => value pair to existing index of PHP array

I have this PHP array:- $tblData[] = array( "Orange" => "Healthy", "Apple" => "Good", "Pizza" => "Bad", ); This is the ...
Noob YT's user avatar
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Callable Arrays in PHP since 7.0 [duplicate]

I noticed that since PHP 7.0, I can use syntax like this: <?php ["a", "b"](); When I run it, I encounter the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'a' not found ...
Đinh Carabus's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to iterate multidimensional array data and sum some values ​to return a grouped array

What's the simplest way and uses less computing power to check if a multidimensional array has some equal values in the sub keys and, if is in this way, make the sum of that? Look at the input. It's ...
PHPKiatofiaFlowOverUs's user avatar
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Incosistent access of the array entries of an indexed array [closed]

I'm not sure how to describe or even title this issue but I feel the psuedo code explains it well. I have a multidimensional array called $data (4 levels) and some php code as follows: $data = [ ...
user2194067's user avatar
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Why does count() with COUNT_RECURSIVE returns incorrect result for my 2-d array? [duplicate]

I have filled a 2 dimensional array with the following code $chessboard = array( array('r','n','b','q','k','b','n','r'), array('p','p','p','p','p','p','p','p'), array(' ',' ',' ',' ',' ...
Hrqls's user avatar
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Why hashtable (array implementation) compaction does not kick in in PHP?

I am making a big PHP array and then remove most of the beginning of it. As we know it won't free the memory only mark removed items as Undef, as explained by Nikita here. However when I put more ...
Dmitry Lezhnev's user avatar
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Distribute total amount to a flat array of "container" elements with predefined limits

I'm trying to split items evenly through groups with a max on each group. I have a function which receives a $groups array which declares the maximum capacity of each "group" and an $items ...
Ered's user avatar
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How to parse an ini-like string into an array

I'm working on a song database application with an existing database. In the editor the songs are laid out like this in the contents column: [chorus] And all will surely agree, There's nothing like ...
Transistor's user avatar
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php Ajax $_FILES empty [duplicate]

I can't find how to get my ajax function to see the $_FILES array. This is a very common problem and I have read through many posts. Some of those say to load the form data. I tried (the commented out ...
user3052443's user avatar
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PHP json_decode multiple arrays or array in array to database [duplicate]

I have json from another system, how to store in oracle database? I dont mind if using while or for or what ever, i only hope can store in database in 4 rows without null line as null line provided by ...
Asrol Hassan's user avatar
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How to to change the value for a key in an array in PHP? [duplicate]

<?php $orderTracking = $order['ItemDetails'][0]['TrackingDetails'] ?? []; $tracking = []; //Declaration of the array foreach ($orderTracking as $track) { if (is_array($track)) {...
Pavan Shetty's user avatar
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Sort PHP array by a key value of each item's value [duplicate]

How would one sort a php array in order of a particular key value pair inside the next level down. Input array $sizes = [ 'small' => ['name' => "Small", 'x' => 300], 'x-small' =&...
Walrus's user avatar
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Updating to PHP 8 | Attempt to read property on null | Undefined array key 0 [duplicate]

Trying to update very obsolete code from an old Wordpress plugin. Getting these 2 errors on this line Attempt to read property 'quiz_desc' on null Undefined array key 0 Can anyone please help me with ...
NotAnotherCliche's user avatar

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