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Overriding Bootstrap 5.3 styles using scss in Blazor WebApp

What I exactly want to do now is to override primary color, but I'm not sure if it's even possible in Blazor. Bootstrap that comes with Blazor does not have any scss files which are apparently ...
Aveyron2033's user avatar
-1 votes
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Modifying Bootstrap 5 model content, closing and reopening

I have a modal using the Bootstrap 5 framework. I post a form that is contained within it to a JQuery ajax call and then modify the modal content based on the result from the JQuery AJax call, then ...
Stuart Palmer's user avatar
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Bootstrap - tabs - back-button functionality for tabs within tab

I'm using Bootstrap navs to have tabs on a page, with two primary tabs and within one tab there are several more tabs (subtabs, I'll refer to them as). Using a hash they're also directly linked, and ...
movethathoof's user avatar
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How to boostrap a Django login form

I am writing a library management system in Django for my own personal needs. I have experience in backend,but I lack expertise in frontend. The project makes use of Boostrap 4 and Django's crispy ...
holybull's user avatar
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Making flexbox table layout line up with content

I'm trying to create a simple table layout using flexbox (so the table is properly responsive). I'm doing it like this (you need react and bootstrap): export function UITest(){ const data = [ ...
user2741831's user avatar
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How to set Dark theme in Blazor project

How to set dark theme as default in Blazor project. Not toggle thing just when u enter the application there's already dark theme. I went through some of the files like app.css from wwwroot and ...
said rajabov's user avatar
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Svelte5 and Bootstrap5

I have recently been getting into Svelte and really like it. It's my first framework with the binding stuff, and I have been enjoying just working on some personal projects with it. However, I am ...
MrDaveForDays's user avatar
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Detecting overflowing menu items doesn't always calculate correctly [closed]

I'm trying to calculate if a horizontal menu has space for all menu items, and if not, wrap overflowing items inside a dropdown. Here is what I have. It works - almost - because sometimes is doesn't ...
Meek's user avatar
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Wrap overflowing menu items in dropdown if there's not enough space

I have a Bootstrap navbar menu, and I'm trying to wrap overflowing menu items in a dropdown if there's not enough avaliable space. I have this solution - it works perfectly and does what I'm looking ...
Meek's user avatar
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Bootstrap div inside column does not fill up without border [duplicate]

i am trying to place a div inside a col, but the div does not fill the entire col unless i place a border on the div. <script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap....
a regular coder's user avatar
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How to display a daterangepicker in embedded mode

How can you display a double calendar with the daterangerpicker in embedded mode I want to display it as the example presented here : ...
Steph74's user avatar
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How to open dropdown from separate button in stackoverflow code snippet

Running code snippet using "Run code snippet" button and clicking "Open menu" button does nothing. It should open menu. Menu is defined in other place in DOM and display is set to ...
Andrus's user avatar
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Stop Horizontal scrollbar from moving (html)

I have this very specific need to stop the horizontal scrollbar from moving if the window is minimized: page has multiple dropdowns if I click on a dropdown (after resizing the webpage) the ...
Progranoob's user avatar
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How to open dropdown menu from outside button

Opening bootstrap dropdown menu from button inside table using function xonclick() { const dropdownButton = document.getElementById('settingsDropDown'); const dropdownMenu = document....
Andrus's user avatar
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How to place dropdown menu in free jqgrid top toolbar

Bootstrap 5 dropdown menu is placed to free jqgrid toolbar using $("#list").jqGrid({ toppager: true, colModel: [ { name: "name", label: "Client", width: 53 }, ...
Andrus's user avatar
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