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LibVLCSharp WPF MVVM [closed]

I would very much like to use the LibVLCSharp WPF version of the library in my application, but I am afraid that it may not have the required functionalities that I need. I tried to data bind the ...
Baraka's user avatar
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Parsing and decoding socket stream to create HTML video&audio

I have a socket stream constantly sending me partial Binary data as image below, When I am console.log() this data it appears as something as base64 as sample below, ...
Rang's user avatar
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Agora Flutter: Other Users Can't See or Hear a Viewer After Role Change to Participant

I am implementing a live streaming feature using the Agora SDK in a Flutter application. There are three types of roles in my app: VIEWER, PARTICIPANT, and HOST. When users join the channel with their ...
Abir Ahsan's user avatar
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Record incoming WebRTC Stream on Client Side

I want to capture incoming video of other user(s) on a WebRTC Live Stream (Example: GMeet), without recording my screen. I found a similar question, and a chrome extension, but they don't work anymore....
Asmit Karmakar's user avatar
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Error using webcodecs to decode h264 data and display on browser from http fetch

I am getting : (index):60 Error during fetch or decode process: DataError: Failed to execute 'decode' on 'VideoDecoder': A key frame is required after configure() or flush(). If you're using AVC ...
stackexplorer0202's user avatar
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Streamed videos do not start playing automatically when using Chrome on iPhones

I've developed an interactive survey that includes videos using the VideoAsk authoring tool. The videos are set to start streaming and play automatically. This means that the user only needs to click ...
Amos's user avatar
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Is there any way to decode NALu in browser?

Environment I am developing a product for a highly restricted environment (e.g., military, casinos) where installing my media server(for transcoding) is not allowed. As a result, I need to handle ...
GyeongHoKim's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Zero W RTSP Video Stream using OV5647 Camera Module

I am attempting to stream video from a Raspberry Pi Zero W with OV5647 Camera Module in H.264 via Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). On the receiving end, I will be using a laptop with Ubuntu 24 to ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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get dimensions of video twitch extension

I am developing a twitch extension that requires me to position items relative to the contents of the stream. For this i need to know the dimensions of the video in twitch, which I was trying to get ...
sobmortin354's user avatar
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How to integrate AvaloniaUI with camera video streams on Linux

I know that using window handles on Linux is very troublesome, so I want to display the yuv12 format stream output by the camera directly. My device is a hikvision camera, which is accessed directly ...
rookie's user avatar
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How to pack h264 (AVCC) into TS

I am writing a TS packetizer in C and I am having trouble packing AVCC video. The live stream comes from the source and its raw payload is sent to the TS packetizer. When the stream just starts, the ...
Iceman's user avatar
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How can I play video with H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (h264) codec using <video> tag

I am writing angular app to stream videos returned from backend. These videos are live streams that I tested that work using VLC Media Player > Open Network Stream without any issues. Codec ...
lukas23's user avatar
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WebRTC connection does not happen after ICE exchange

This is an issue that has been bugging me for a whole week..... I am trying to establish a webRTC connection with a python server using aiortc/ web client. Both client and server is connected within a ...
assort's user avatar
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Loading videos one after the other freezes PHP website

I have a PHP website hosted from my Raspberry Pi 4 8GB RAM using Apache2. It's just a website that shows the time while playing videos in the back. The videos are stored on the Pi, not on the client. ...
Al Cypher's user avatar
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How to split an incoming stream into multiple streams with different resolutions?

How to split an incoming stream into several streams with different resolutions on the MediaMTX server? There is one incoming stream in rtsp, it needs to be split into several channels with different ...
Cobalt's user avatar
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