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Does Google Wallet Generic Class support Right To Left Template?

I need to create Google Wallet Layout using Class Template Info. I couldn't find any Documentation of Right To left support. I will Appreciate any insights.
Tal's user avatar
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TonConnect sendTransaction - mobile app issue

I have implemented the connection of the user's wallet to the site via TonConnect ui The user connects, specifies the amount he wants to invest in the project, sends a request - on desktop and web the ...
Rare's user avatar
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Google Wallet JWT Payload in PHP

I'm working with the Google Wallet API and would like to integrate the function createJwtExistingObjects(string $issuerId) from
Oliver Witt's user avatar
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Is it even possible to auto connect user wallet?

We have two dApps one is on domain and the other is on; Very basic apps which are utilizing Blocknative @web3-onbord; So is it even possible when a user has ...
Dobromir Kirov's user avatar
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Multiple QR codes on Apple Wallet Pass

I want to show multiple QR codes on my apple wallet pass so that user can swipe them horizontally and access them through a single pass. As per documentation, I passed an array of barcodes in pass....
Falguni Gandhi's user avatar
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CCC3 Digital Car Key Google API?

I am looking for documentation and interfaces for google API for CCC3 Digital Car Key implementation. Questions like how the Car OEM server communictaes with google server for DCK solution. I have not ...
user3653338's user avatar
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Apple Wallet webService notifications

I'm getting lost here with what could be the solution to send background push in iOS I currently have a webService to create a storeCard, everything seems to be working fine, the pass is created, when ...
ToothFairy's user avatar
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how to get jetton_wallet_address in python

I'm writing a python bot that can accept payment in jettons web3. After connecting the wallet, I can output the wallet_info.account.address of the user, also I have the public token address EQBtcL4JA-...
Инна's user avatar
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Spring application did not start before the configured timeout only on linux in proxy

I have an application that runs fine in a windows + VPN environment, but does not run in a Linux + Proxy environment. I tried different solution found on internet, but nothing seems to work. Log ...
Giovanni Incalza's user avatar
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Issue using

I'm using the service to allow do automatic updates for my Wallet Cards created using PHP/Laravel, with the pkpass/pkpass v2.3.1 library. The generated .pkpass file works correctly on ...
Diogo Nunes's user avatar
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Sending Apple Push Notifications to Wallet Passes for different PassTypeID

i have a webapp that is able to create apple wallet passes for iOS. Process more or less looks like this: User provides his Apple Pass ID and certificate from apple developer, based on that cert i am ...
Kamil Haładyn's user avatar
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Google Wallet Generic Card: Google Map Location and Website URL Not Displaying

I'm encountering an issue with the Google Wallet Generic Card where the Google Map location and website URL are not being displayed. I have verified that the data is correctly inputted into the card, ...
Jinshaj P's user avatar
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Apple Wallet pass personalization not working - Unable to Personalize Pass

We create NFC enabled wallet passes for Apple. We now want to add a feature where users can personalize their own pass following the Rewards Enrolling:
Wouter Meeuwisse's user avatar
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How can I convert PKPass(es) from the PKPassLibrary().passes() and pass it via deep linking to another iOS app?

Objective: I need to pass a PKPass from 1 iOS app to another via deeplinking The flow goes like this: I receive a Data from the server, instantiate a PKPass object from it and add it to the wallet. Is ...
user962460's user avatar
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What could be the mistake in integrating TON wallet into my code?

So here I have tried to integrate TON wallet into my program so that it can be accessed and used by a user to login to their account. However I definitely understand there are several flaws, for which ...
Comical Gamer's user avatar

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