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Android Studio App crashes sometimes when trying to get data from local webserver [duplicate]

I am currently trying to build my first app with android studio. I am trying to access data from a webserver My code is: class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(...
user28783786's user avatar
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octet-stream memory leaking when using Bun and Elysia

So a few weeks ago, I ported my app that uses NodeJS to Bun (and also moved from Express to Elysia). However, it seems that it's heavily memory leaking when there is a lot of traffic going on. memory ...
M336's user avatar
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Webserver to server as ACL for another webserver [closed]

I've got a modem/router. There I can forward ports I need. So any webserver can be accessible. I have a webserver where I only need one url accessible from the outside. Let's say: **...
Jan Kadera's user avatar
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Can access my website on some devices but not on others [closed]

I'm running macOS 15.1.1 (Sequoia) on my Mac mini server. Apache is version Apache/2.4.62 (Unix). I just updated my SSL certificate and now facing a strange problem. On the Mac mini, I can load my ...
Nemesys Software's user avatar
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Enabling one URL behind router, while keeping the rest disabled

I have an IP camera software running and I can get access to it from the outside. However, on that webserver, there is an admin interface that I don't want exposed. I tried to create a website under ...
Jan Kadera's user avatar
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Sessions of apache webserver expiring - forcing logout of users (non php)

I have got some webservers running behind a proxy-server. These webservers are running an application, but it seems user are getting a "session expired" error. This error forces a logout and ...
Maarten Heymans's user avatar
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Python CGI script only working on certain webservers

I've been tasked with creating a website using both HTML and Python CGI. I've ran into many issues however managed to solve them all and got the HTML and CGI to work on the inbuilt python webserver ...
abxty's user avatar
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ESP8266 webserved pages are not displaying correctly [closed]

I think this is probably not a forum suitable for my knowledge level. I am more used to not uncertainly dumping huge swathes of information/code on forum posts but rather providing links to the ...
Chainmaker101's user avatar
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Jetty 12 : Unable to execute XmlConfiguration java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No matching constructor class

So i migrated from jetty 9 to 12.0.15 and now i am trying to configure jetty-ssl.xml where i have ssl.ini in base. When i try to start the webserver i am getting error 2024-11-29 15:02:11.186: WARN :...
Adam's user avatar
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Error Nginx: stat() failed (13: permission denied)

This is my first setup web server & dns server, I'm using: nginx php7.4 (shivammathur/php/[email protected]) And I've problem while setup my local app to run multiple app: yii 1 (/Users/ademugnirusmana/...
Ade Mugni Rusmana's user avatar
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How to have the conf.d for Nginx in Termux [closed]

It's possible to use Nginx in Termux after installing it with the pkg install command in Termux. However, after installing it, i found out there's no conf.d directory in $PREFIX/etc/nginx directory. I ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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AJAX is not redirecting as expected [duplicate]

Im trying to develop a very basic webserver for self-learning with some basic functionalities. i encountered a problem where im sending from the browser a POST request with the nessesery data: POST /...
Nir Malka's user avatar
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IIS fail to serve custom error pages when .NET app fails on SQL connection

I would appreciate any help in this case. I have a .NET Framework 4.5.1 web app running on IIS. I have two physical files in the root of this app: Error404.html Error500.html In the web.config under &...
Mi1anovic's user avatar
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Live Server executable in Python

I'm trying to create an executable that mimics the Live Server VSCode extension. I created a local web app and my colleagues should be able to use it without having to install python or VS Code. This ...
korn3lie's user avatar
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How to use Windows IIS to forward requests from to localhost without using port forwarding?

I have two different game servers running on my Windows 11 computer for friends and family, each with its own built-in web server. They are dependant of the game server process and run standalone ...
Blue's user avatar
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