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How can I test my Flutter code on an iOS emulator using Android Studio while working on a Windows machine?

In Android Studio, I am testing my Flutter code on an Android emulator, but I want to test it on iOS as well. How can I do this on a Windows machine? If you're testing your Flutter code on an Android ...
arslan's user avatar
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Xcode predictive code completion not work with Image(systemName: )

When I want to use some system image I can't just remember them all, and I was hoping that new Xcode prediction will help here. But it does not know any even popular system images. Maybe I need to ...
Vladimir Moor's user avatar
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How to dynamically adjust the width of a TextField to its content?

I want to make a TextField in SwiftUI that adjusts its width dynamically based on the content, without adding extra spacing. The TextField is part of an HStack with several Text views, and my goal is ...
Lorenzo Zorri's user avatar
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Creating a .a static library using C#/dotnet

I would like to use some of my C# code in an XCode project by compiling my .net 9 class library into a static .a library (using NativeAOT and everything that is required). I have researched quite a ...
Dokug's user avatar
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Unable to adda remote Swift package to my project in Xcode [duplicate]

I wish to add the Swift Factory package as a remote package to my project. Selecting File -> Add Package Dependencies in Xcode 16.2 displays the package selection screen. This screen cannot resolve ...
Lamotu's user avatar
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Xcode keeps asking password prompt for swift-package-registry

I have one package located at swift package registry in Artifactory which is available through authorization with login and password. I try to build via Gitlab CI or locally and during resolve package ...
scandyz's user avatar
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Archive broken on Xcode 16 for React Native 0.75

I have a production app built with react native that has the iOS Archive broken after an upgrade. This is a bare React Native project (not an expo project). I upgraded the following: react-native ...
martom's user avatar
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iOS Code Signing Error with manual signing

I am facing issues with iOS signing when building my app using Codemagic, but the build works perfectly on my local Mac using automatic code signing. Codemagic Configuration: Codemagic is connected ...
Jan's user avatar
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Error when building with xcode on Azure Pipelines

I'm trying to implement CI/CD for my team's Flutter app, and when using Xcode@5 task to build an IOS version of the app, im getting the following output: Starting: Xcode Build ========================...
Diego Pestana's user avatar
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how to change the size of my 3D model in Xcode project

I'm beginner in IOS developing so I made an AR app for iPhone in Xcode but i have a little problem: when I open my camera I can see me 3D model BUT I can't change the size and and place of my model. ...
Костя Алдатов's user avatar
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How the TabView internally works in SwiftUI [duplicate]

I want to build my own TabView in SwiftUI while avoiding the type eraser AnyView. To understand this better, I looked into how TabView is implemented in SwiftUI. It seems that TabView uses a @...
adri567's user avatar
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React native IOS - xCode duplicate symbols when building archive - but building and running for IOS simulator is OK

Using xCode 16.1. Building and running the app for iPhone 16 (for instance) is OK. Simulator runs the app OK. But when trying to Product -> Archive (for "AAny iOS Device (arm64)"), then ...
pierdo bauce's user avatar
-4 votes
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Unknown Type Name 'uint32_t' after setting up Vulkan 1.3 on Mac M2 with XCode 16.2

Environment: Macbook Air M2 Sequoia, Xcode 16.2, VulkanSDK 1.3, glfw 3.4, glm 1.0.1 Error Description: Build failure due to header reference error. The main.cpp includes a header glfw.h which includes ...
marsho's user avatar
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React Native App won't connect to server Through Xcode

I'm not really sure how to fix this error. Any help would be appreciated. Happy to answer any questions! I've created a very simple app using react native to get heart rate from apple health and am ...
Trigun Soni's user avatar
-2 votes
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Firebase Push Notification is not showing on my iPhone [closed]

I am building an iOS project and have set up Firebase and did all the settings right but whenever I want to send a notification from Firebase, the notification doesn't show on my iPhone. The console ...
emre's user avatar
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