Reports overview

View a summary of your users' activity

As your organization's administrator, you can use the reports overview to view summarized key metrics and trends in your domain. These metrics include app use, users status, storage quota, document visibility, and security. Point to data points to see more information.

Open the reports overview

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu and then Reportingand thenOverview.

What you can see in the reports overview

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What's the status of different accounts?

Use this panel to view the overall status of user accounts in your organization. View the percentage of accounts that are Active, Suspended, Archived, and Blocked. To view more details in an Accounts report, click View Details.

To learn more about the data in Accounts reports, go to Accounts reports.

What's the user activity in different apps? (Google Workspace apps only)

Use this panel to see if your domain's users use the core Google Workspace services that are available to them. The chart shows the number of weekly active users (users who sign in and interact with user interface at least once a week) for Gmail, Drive, Meet, Hangouts, Calendar, and Classroom. To view more details in each of the reports, at the top, click the serviceand thenView Details.

Note: The Calendar active users number includes users who open Calendar via the web and users who make changes to Calendars and events via the API. 

If your apps usage activity is lower than you expect, consider implementing training programs for your users. You can use the Apps Usage Activity report and Login audit log to see which users don't use Google Workspace and contact them directly.
What's the storage being used?

Use this panel to view how much storage space is available for your organization. For more information, click View Details.

To learn more about the data, go to View Apps reports on your organization: Accounts

How are files shared externally?

Use this panel to view your organization's exposure to data leaks, both internally and externally. For more information, click View Details.

External shares—Number of files that users in the domain shared externally during the selected time: 

  • Public—Files that are made publicly available
  • Anyone with the link—Files made available to anyone with the link
  • Outside domain—Files shared explicitly with individuals or groups outside the domain

Internal shares—Number of files that that users in the domain shared or made private during the selected time:

  • Anyone In domain shares—Files that are shared with anyone in the domain 
  • Anyone in domain with link shares—Files that are shared with anyone in the domain with link
  • Within domain shares—Files that are shared explicitly with a user or group within the domain
  • Private shares—Files that are not shared at all.

To learn more about the data, go to View Apps reports on your organization: Drive

To learn more about investigating file sharing activity, go to Investigate file sharing.

What's the activity on Cloud Search?

Use this panel to view activity on Cloud Search within your organization. For more information, click View Details.

What's the 30-day unique login count?
Use this panel to view unique logins over 30 days.

How old is the data I'm seeing?

You won’t see complete data up to the present day. Instead, under each section heading, you'll see the latest date for which data is available.

Occasionally, you'll see an asterisk (*) next to a metric value. This asterisk indicates that this particular metric value might be stale compared to the other metrics under the same section.

Point to the metric value to display the "Last updated on: date" message.

For details on exactly when data becomes available and how long it's retained, go to Data retention and lag times.

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