Report structure and download

Once you have selected your report criteria (for example, date ranges, filters, report dimensions, and report metrics), it is important to understand the report structure.

Flat table structure

Flat or spreadsheet-like tables enable you to view all of the reporting data in single rows. These tables represent a less complex view of the report. The dimensions and metrics are all displayed as columns in the table.

Flat tables display a one-dimensional table view. For example:

  • Dimensions: You select Deal IDs, Days, and Creative sizes as your dimensions.
  • Table structure: Flat table
  • Metrics: You keep the default selections.
  • Report output: The dimensions selected display as their own columns in the table, as well as the metrics, sorted in ascending order by the first column. The rest of the columns are displayed in descending order. You read the information across as individual rows.

Download your report

You can download your report results to CSV. The CSV format can handle more than the maximum 1,000,000 viewable table rows in a table.

  1. From the main Reporting page, select your report and click Download.
  2. The report downloads in the file format you’ve selected.

If you receive an error when exporting a report, you may be exceeding the file size limit. To reduce the amount of data, apply an additional filter, run and export your report again.

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