Coming soon: September 3 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks

Improved deal creation workflow coming soon

An improved deal creation workflow is coming soon to Display & Video 360. You’ll soon be able to create multiple inventory sources at the same time, designate the deal format, and assign deals to line items from the My Inventory page. You’ll also see expanded inventory source attributes with matching filters, including:

  • Commitment type: Guaranteed/Non-Guaranteed
  • Rate type: Auction/Fixed
  • Delivery method: Programmatic/Tag
  • Format: Display/Video/Audio

In addition, inventory source targeting will filter out deals that don’t match the format of the line item.

Inventory source groups coming soon to Display & Video 360

You’ll soon be able to create groups of existing inventory sources from a new section within My Inventory called Deal Groups. A group can contain inventory sources across exchanges and transaction types, and individual inventory sources can belong to multiple groups. You’ll be able to target and report on your inventory source groups, allowing you to organize and scale your end-to-end inventory and targeting workflows.

Video ad sequencing coming soon for TrueView line items

Video ad sequencing will soon be available as a new type of TrueView line item. With video ad sequencing, you’ll be able to tell your product or brand story by showing people a series of TrueView in-stream, bumper, or non-skippable ads in an order that you define. This full-funnel solution will allow you to create a single narrative experience for your audiences. You’ll be able to create linear sequences that transition to the next step based on an impression of an ad.

Deal floor prices will soon be respected when targeted with automated bidding strategies

A new option to “Apply advertiser floor price for targeted deals” will soon be available for line items using automated bidding strategies. When this option is selected, Display & Video 360 will take deal floor prices into consideration for private auction and preferred deals. The deal floor price will be treated as the minimum bid. This change will allow you to consolidate deals into automated bidding line items as it helps to ensure that deals are delivered against when using this bidding strategy.

Begin to Render Impression metrics coming soon

You’ll soon be able to compare overall impressions with impressions that meet the MRC’s most recent standard of count-on-begin-to-render with new Begin to Render Impression metrics coming soon to Report Builder. Display & Video 360’s measurement coverage of display impressions will ramp up over the second half of the year, so you should expect to see small volumes of begin to render display impressions initially.

Expanded support for AMPHTML creatives and creatives on AMP pages coming soon

There are several improvements coming soon for AMPHTML creatives and creative format support for AMP pages:

  • More inventory for AMPHTML creatives: AMPHTML creatives will soon be able to serve across more inventory, including non-AMP pages.
  • Image creatives will auto-convert for AMP inventory: If an image creative serves on AMP inventory, it will be auto-converted into an AMPHTML creative in order render quickly and correctly on the page.

Audio creative workflow is moving to Ad Canvas soon

The workflow for building new audio creatives will soon be moving to Ad Canvas, giving you a more intuitive creative construction experience and real-time preview of companion creatives.

Improvements to the similar audience slider coming soon

To provide more control over how your audiences are expanded, we’re making improvements to the similar audience slider. The slider will soon be available for more audience types and will have more granular controls that allow you to balance expansion based on similarity and reach. Impression forecasts will also be available that let you see the impact of changes to your expansion.

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