What's new: February 2020

Learn about new features and updates to Display & Video 360 from February 2020

Campaign and workflow updates

Updated frequency management and new value reporting for Programmatic Guaranteed deals

Programmatic Guaranteed deals now have the ability to pass on impressions once the campaign frequency cap has been met. Display & Video 360 prioritizes meeting the spend amount set in the deal terms, then optimizes to the frequency cap (set on the campaign-level) based on the publisher inventory that’s available. You can report on Programmatic Guaranteed impressions passed due to frequency and Programmatic Guaranteed savings re-invested due to frequency from a new card on the deal overview page or in offline reports. Learn more

Dynamic Floodlight tags now available in Display & Video 360

You can now use dynamic Floodlight tags in Display & Video 360. Dynamic tags let you insert HTML dynamically into your Floodlight tags, so you can automatically make changes to the tag’s code without needing to re-tag your website. For example, this tag type makes it easier to integrate code from third-party measurement services with Floodlight tags. Learn more

Enhancements to setting up automated bid strategies

There’s now a streamlined workflow for setting up automated bid strategies, including clear indications of what bidding strategies are automated versus fixed and recommendations based on your campaign goals. Learn more

See de-duplicated reach forecasting across YouTube and open auction display and video inventory in the reach planning tool

You can now see one unique reach forecast for campaigns across YouTube and open auction display and video so you can understand how many people your campaigns can expect to reach. Learn more

New planning user roles now available

The following user roles have been added to Display & Video 360:

  • Planner users can view all campaigns, creatives, pixels, insertion orders, line items, and reports for all of the partners or advertisers they've been given access to, including all cost data. They can also create or modify planning-related features, including plans and inventory.
  • Planner limited users have the same access as planner users, but all cost data is removed and replaced with "No access."

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Reach forecasting now available for Gmail line items

Line item reach forecasting is now available when you’re creating a new Gmail line item. You can see estimates of available impressions based on your line item settings, allowing you to see how your line item could perform based on your selected targeting settings and prevent potential underspend. Learn more

Plan workspace now located in the Inventory module with other media planning tools

The Plan workspace is now located under the Inventory module alongside other media planning tools, allowing plan creation to take place at the advertiser level before campaign details are finalized. Even planners who may not be familiar with Display & Video 360 can easily create plans. Learn more

Updates to the History tab

There have been several improvements to the History tab:

  • More data: The tab now shows data based on the most recent edit and 30 days preceding the edit. Previously, the tab showed data for the last 30 days by default.
  • Audiences availability: The improved look-and-feel of the History tab is now available for audiences, along with the ability to hide system changes by default so you can more easily focus on changes you made to your audiences.

Improved contact experience now available in Display & Video 360

You’ll see an improved contact experience in the Display & Video 360 help center and in-product help panel. To contact Display & Video 360 support, type in a question and click "Next step," and then choose chat or email support. You can also browse help center articles related to your question.

Creative updates

Automatic smart scaling for interstitial creatives

When HTML5 and image creatives serve as interstitials in a mobile app, Display & Video 360 checks to make sure the creative matches the device's width. If the creative isn’t wide enough to fit the device’s screen, Display & Video 360 will increase the creative size while maintaining aspect ratio and resolution. Smart scaling is turned on by default, but you can change this setting if you need to. Learn more

Create and upload your own data-driven creative formats

You can now upload your own data-driven creative formats to Display & Video 360's Format Gallery, then use them to make variants in Ad Canvas. Learn more

Audience updates

Self-service data management platform (DMP) linking for audience management now available

You can now allow a DMP to manage your audiences through a self-service linking option from the Google Marketing Platform Linked Accounts tab of your advertiser. Previously, this process required whitelisting via Display & Video 360 support. Learn more

Insights updates

Simplified creative rejection alerts now available in the Intelligence Panel

The Intelligence Panel now shows only one alert per rejected creative, regardless of how many line items the creative is assigned to. Previously, the Intelligence Panel showed an alert for each line item the rejected creative was assigned to, making it difficult to parse through the alerts and troubleshoot the creative rejection.

Inventory updates

Programmatic Guaranteed deals now available via Pubmatic

You can now create Programmatic Guaranteed deals with publishers through the Pubmatic exchange. Pubmatic previously supposed Tag Guaranteed deals only.

Inventory source updates

For the latest information on inventory sources in Display & Video 360 see Supported display exchanges, Supported native exchanges, and Supported audio & video exchanges.

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