With Google Ads Editor, you can easily make changes in bulk. Editor has features that will allow you to import and export image assets to and from a local machine. If you want to learn more about what you can do with Editor, browse through the Google Ads Editor help center.
Import image assets to Editor
- In your Google Ads Editor, go to “Account”.
- Under “Account”, go to “Import”, and click Import image assets from files.
- The “Import image assets to folder” pop-up will appear.
- Click Select folder to choose the local images to import.
- Note: If your image assets don’t have valid names, Editor will import them with automatically generated names. For image assets with the same name, Editor will import them with suffixes.
- Click Open once you’ve selected the folder where the images are located.
- Click Import.
- By default your files will be imported from the selected path to the root folder: “Shared Library” > “Asset Library”.
- When importing assets, all files will be automatically imported from the selected folder. If you copy a file in the file system, Editor will automatically import it as a new asset.
- Note: If you rename the file, Editor will also rename the asset on your system. Deleting files from Editor will also delete files from the asset folder.
Export image assets to Editor
- In your Google Ads Editor, go to “Account”.
- Under “Account”, go to “Export”, and click Export image assets to files.
- The “Export image assets to folder” pop-up will appear.
- Click Select folder to choose the local folder where you’d like to export the images.
- Note: For image assets without a valid name, Editor will export them with automatically generated names. For image assets with the same name, Editor will export them with suffixes.
- Click Open once you’ve selected the folder where you’d like to export the images.
- Click Export.
- Your files will be exported to the selected path from the account folder.
- Note: It’s recommended to name the export folder in the following naming format: “AccountName_CustomerId”.
- When exporting assets, all files will be automatically exported from the selected path. If you copy a file in the file system, Editor will automatically export it as a new asset.
- Note: If you rename the file, Editor will also rename the asset on your system. Deleting files from Editor will also delete files from the asset folder.