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Manage your Nest Hub Max cameras with the Google Home app

Important: Your Nest Hub Max must have firmware version F22 for you to be able to transfer it to the Google Home app. Refer to Google speaker and display firmware versions and release notes for more information on how to find your firmware version.

There are 3 ways to set up your Nest camera for your Google Nest Hub Max through the Google Home app:

  • The home control screen: Tap the Set up camera or Camera tile.
  • The device control screen: Tap Set up camera at the bottom of the screen.
  • Through in-app notifications.

Enabling the camera

To add a new Nest camera to your Nest Hub, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app Google Home app.
  2. Tap Set up camera or Camera .
  3. Choose the device to set up. If you only have one device, this screen is skipped.
  4. Tap Get started.
  5. Read through the Privacy guidelines and then Tap I agree.
  6. Choose to either share your device stats and crash reports or not. Tap No, continue or Yes, I’m in.
  7. Scan the QR code of the camera you want to add to your Nest Hub Max.
  8. Wait for the camera to successfully connect. The camera will show:
    • A steady green light to indicate it is active and recording.
    • A blinking green light to indicate a member is viewing the live stream.
  1. A preview of the live video will be shown to confirm that the setup works.
  2. Complete device configuration.
    • Adjust mic settings.
    • Choose whether video recording is on or off.
  3. Optional: Add the camera to your favorites and then tap Done.
Transfer data from the Nest app to your Google Home app
  1. Open the Google Nest app Nest app.
  2. Start the transfer of your Nest camera to the Google Home app.

Note: There are 3 ways to start the transfer:

  • Through the in-app notification: This can appear when you open the Nest app Nest app.
  • Through the Get started banner: This is found at the bottom of the home screen of your Nest app Nest app and within camerazilla.
  • Through the Settings: Tap Transfer to Google Home app found at the bottom of your Nest settings.
  1. If you have multiple cameras linked, tap Choose camera to select the camera you want to transfer firstand then Tap Transfer
  2. Read through the Privacy guidelines and then Tap I agree.
  3. Choose to either share your device stats and crash reports or not. Tap No, continue or Yes, I’m in.
  4. Optional: Add camera to your favorites.
  5. Wait for the transfer to complete.
  6. Tap Done.
Transfer Nest app data using the Google Home app

If your camera was configured in both the Home app and Nest app, you can transfer your Nest app data in the Google Home app. There are 2 ways to transfer the data:

  • Open the Google Home app Google Home app.
  • Go to your live view and tap Try the latest camera experience. 
You can also go to Settings and then Nest Cam and then Transfer to the Google Home app.

Internet bandwidth and speed requirements

With the Google Nest Hub Max, your camera streams live video using your home internet connection. Check each product below for information on how much bandwidth it might use.

Nest Cam (battery)

Video quality setting

High Video

Max Video

Typical monthly data usage with 24/7 video recording

200 GB

300 GB

Typical monthly data usage with Event based recording (EBR)

10 GB

75 GB

Note: Monthly data usage for your doorbell may vary.

Nest Cam IQ Indoor, Nest Cam IQ Outdoor

Quality and bandwidth setting




Typical monthly data usage with 24/7 video recording

100 GB

250 GB

400 GB

Typical monthly data usage with Event based recording (EBR)

100 GB

250 GB

400 GB

Nest Cam Indoor and Nest Cam Outdoor

Quality and bandwidth setting




Typical monthly data usage with 24/7 video recording

30 GB

120 GB

300 GB

Typical monthly data usage with Event based recording (EBR)

30 GB

120 GB

300 GB

Nest doorbell (battery)

Quality and bandwidth setting



Typical monthly data usage with 24/7 video recording



Typical monthly data usage with Event based recording (EBR)

2 GB

10 GB

Nest doorbell 2nd gen (wired)

Quality and bandwidth setting



Typical monthly data usage with 24/7 video recording

200 GB

300 GB

Typical monthly data usage with Event based recording (EBR)

10 GB

75 GB

Note: Monthly data usage for your doorbell may vary.

Nest doorbell (wired)

Quality and bandwidth setting




Typical monthly data usage with 24/7 video recording

50 GB

150 GB

300 GB

Typical monthly data usage with Event based recording (EBR)

50 GB

150 GB

300 GB

Common scenarios after Transferring Nest camera data

  • Duplicate sound detection events: If both Google Home and Nest sound detection are on, events appear in both apps, but only Nest has video playback.
  • Notification with no video history: Google Home's sound sensing may trigger a notification without recording video.
  • Duplicate and independent settings: Disabling sound sensing in Google Home doesn't affect Nest's sound detection settings.

Note: Google Home and Nest apps have separate settings after migration.

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