Google Maps is kept accurate and up-to-date in part due to our many geospatial data partners.
Below are just a few examples of the hundreds of authoritative partners, organizations and government entities whose data sources have contributed to Google Maps:
- Abu Dhabi Department of Urban Planning and Municipality
- Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung -
- Castlight Health
- Christophe Courcaud - Tahiti 360
- City of Baltimore
- Department of Health and Social Care (UK)
- Government of Ontario
- Lumen
- National States Geographic Information Council
- NSW Health
- Pierce County, Washington
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
- The BDX
- US Geological Survey
- Verkeercentrum Gent
If your organization would also like to contribute useful geospatial information to Google Maps, please submit your data via the Geo Data Upload.