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Catholic Bible VersesCatholic TheologyCatholic DoctrineCatholic BeliefsCatholic BibleTeaching QuotesFaith FormationReligious EducationCatholic Quotes3 Things You May Not Know About Purgatory (Infographic) - Catholic-LinkQuotes, infographics, memes and more resources for the New Evangelization. 3 Things You May Not Know About Purgatory (Infographic)297
Catholic DoctrineCatholic BeliefsSoli Deo GloriaBible FactsBible TeachingsEucharistBible KnowledgeBible TruthBible PrayersChristian Vs Catholic Beliefs: (10 Epic Differences To Know)Here are Christian Vs Catholic Beliefs! Which religion is better? Is Christianity and Catholicism the same? Let's dive deep into the differences of these two!5.6k
The Sign Of The CrossCatholic SacramentsCatholic TheologyCatholic DoctrineCatholic BeliefsCatholic EducationSign Of The CrossCatholic FamilyFaith FormationInfographic: 4 Times To Make The Sign Of The Cross | Catholic-LinkCatholic quotes, infographics, memes and more resources for the New Evangelization. Infographic: 4 times to make the sign of the Cross.1.3k
Theology Of The Body CatholicCatholic LifestyleCatholic TheologySt CeciliaIntrinsic MotivationHuman SexualityJohn Paul IiPope JohnJohn PaulTheology of the Body is not Catholic TeachingThe title of this essay is admittedly a bit provocative, but it is my hope that this will lead to the article being shared with well-meaning Catholics who seem to be muddled on the authority of John Paul II's teachings on human sexuality known as "Theology of the Body." The immediate impetus for publishing this essay was a recent exchange I had with a young woman who was telling me that "the Church's teaching" on some point of sexual ethics was such-and-such. I told her that I had never…11