Werewolf LegendMyths & MonstersLegends And MythsUrban LegendsMythological CreaturesMystical CreaturesFolk TalesMagical CreaturesCthulhuWerewolf LegendThe Rougarou - (Roo ga roo) aka. Loup Garou, Louisiana folklore3.3k
Folk Song LyricsFolk StoriesFolk SongsSong WordsFolk SongFolk TalesInternet ArchiveCool WordsSong LyricsLittle-folk lyrics : Sherman, Frank Dempster, 1860-1916 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveSeventy-one poems on such varied topics as animals, months, holidays, and nature15
Fae KingPlant SpiritsFairies MythologyMari LwydAlien SightingsLegends And MythsAliens And UfosMythical BeastA WitchY Tylwyth Teg: Do You Believe In Welsh Faeries? | Spooky IslesTylwyth Teg are Welsh fairies. NIA JONES takes a look at the compelling folklore surrounding the fair folk33
English Short Stories For KidsStory For Grade 1Fairy Tales StoriesShort Fairy TalesFairy Tale StoriesShort Story For KidsFairy Tale StoryEnglish Moral StoriesFantasy Short StoriesThe Wizard of Oz - Short Story for Kids - Short Stories 4 KidsEnglish Short Stories for Kids: The Wizard of Oz, a magically fairy tale about a girl and her friends...95
Hindi KahaniNorth VancouverAncient IndiaReading LevelsQueenstownKids WritingDrawing PracticeFolk TalesCreative ThinkingMost Fascinating Indian Folk TalesCheck out these fascinating folktales from ancient India, which are entertaining but also provide important moral lessons at the same time.59
Reading Comprehension For KidsIndian LegendsAesops FablesMeaningful ArtCobanThe ShepherdArabian NightsThe WolfSheepThe Shepherds Boy and the WolfAesops Fables are short stories that convey folk wisdom and to help us understand human nature and behavior. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation.55
Simple Stories For KidsFairy Tales SequencingLion And MouseShort Fairy TalesFairy Tales KindergartenThe Lion And The MouseFables For KidsEnglish Moral StoriesFairy Tale WritingFairy TalesOne of Nora’s favorite things to do is act out Fairy Tales. I love to see how she has taken ownership of these simple stories after “playing them” over and over. Lately we have …613
Russian MythologyIvan BilibinBaba JagaSlavic MythologySlavic FolkloreMarjolein BastinAncient OriginsBaba YagaLegendary CreatureList of Slavic creaturesHere is a list of (almost) all Slavic mythical creatures. Alkonost, who gets her name from the Greek demigod Alyclone, is a creature with the body of a bird and the head of a woman. Her voice is incredibly beautiful and alluring, causing people to forget everything and never be able to experience happiness like hearing the voice again. She lives in the underworld with her counterpart, who is named Sirin, who appears in an orchard during the morning to cry on the Apple Feast of the Savior…105
Beard PicturesWalter CraneFairytale StoriesJack And The BeanstalkFairy Tales For KidsGrimm Fairy TalesIllustration VintageFolk TalesAnimation Filmwalter Crane, 1874 Jack and the bean stalk ill pg 1Explore janwillemsen's 126899 photos on Flickr!18