Make your very own sock monkey, even if you don't own a sewing machine! This kit will come with all the parts you need to make a Sock Monkey. Size: 9-13" (head to toe, approximately) What's Included: - 4 limbs (sock) - body (sock) - ears (sock) - tail (sock) - mouth piece (sock) - mouth (felt) & embroidery thread - eye mask & eyes (felt) - rib cage & heart (felt) - instructions You will need: - needle - scissors - thread - stuffing (poly-fil) - I recommend a cluster type of stuffing for easier sculpting. NO SEWING MACHINE NEEDED! Totally hand crafted from brand new socks, machine and hand sewn elements. Felt is used on the eyes. These must be crafted by a grown up, before giving to a child. Children who have sewing experience will be able to put this together with the help of an adult. Do not leave stuffed animals in cribs with babies while they sleep. For personal use only. Please note - that scissors, spooled thread, pins, and any other items depicted or pictured, are not included. Finished monkey is a sample and it also not included.