Monthly Archives: December 2017

Finally updated to the Ulysses subscription. Nice to have the latest version with notch-aware full-screen layout on the iPhone X.

→ 2017/12/27 8:33 pm

Updated post editing and deleting in to work more consistently. New help page here describes it. Also improved a few of the built-in themes with better title support.

→ 2017/12/26 5:35 pm

Good basketball yesterday. Spurs got Christmas off this year, play tonight, and seem to have a pretty favorable schedule the next few weeks. 🏀

→ 2017/12/26 1:14 pm

Happy Holidays from

Thanks everyone for your support of this year! We’ve come a long way since I launched the Kickstarter campaign for Indie Microblogging back on January 2nd. We really appreciate all the feedback and new users who are embracing

Yesterday we added another “secret pin” to for the holidays. You can unlock it by posting to your own blog and mentioning Christmas, Hanukkah, or one of a bunch of different winter themes and celebrations for this time of year. (It also works for posts from last week, so you may already have unlocked the pin.)

We love adding pins because it encourages people to blog more, and we hope to do more in 2018. This is also a great time of year to earn the Daily Blogger, Photo Challenge, or Night Owl pins!

Wishing you and your family and friends the best this week. Thanks again for being part of the community.

Great to see all the interest in today! I’ve bumped up the daily limit on user registrations to let more people in.

→ 2017/12/23 4:01 pm

Twitter’s weeds

Mike Monteiro wrote on Medium this week about the daunting, insurmountable problems facing Twitter’s leadership team. He talked about meeting in person with Jack Dorsey:

We discussed Twitter’s role in the world stage. And I admired his vision, but feared his approach. Jack, and to an extent Twitter’s pet porg Biz Stone, have always believed that absolute free speech is the answer. They’re blind to the voices silenced by hate and intimidation. The voices that need to be protected. But anyone who’s ever tended a garden knows that for the good stuff to grow, you have to deal with the bad stuff. You can’t let the weeds choke the vegetables.

I love the metaphor of a garden. In fact, I wrote a whole chapter of my upcoming book Indie Microblogging about gardens. The chapter is a longer version of what Mike says above, but with a twist.

The issue isn’t that Twitter doesn’t care. It’s instead a fundamental design flaw in the platform. Because tweets don’t exist outside of Twitter, when you’re banned, you’re done. For this reason, and because their business depends on a large user base, Twitter is hesitant to throw anyone off their service. They’re unwilling to tend the garden for fear of pulling too many weeds.

Imagine instead a service based on blogs, where the internal posts on the platform were the same format as the external posts. The curators of the platform would have more freedom to block harassing posts and ban nazis because those problematic users could always retreat to their own web site and leave everyone else in the community alone.

That’s how the web is supposed to work. It’s a core principle of

Twitter will continue to improve. I believe they’re trying. But the root issue can’t be fixed without starting over.

UIKit and Eminem

Another week, another set of new podcasts. Daniel and I talked on Core Intuition about opening up and speculated on UIKit for the Mac:

Manton and Daniel talk about the major update to, and how to cope with demand as it either meets or doesn’t meet daily limits. They opine about the virtue of having a baseline product on which to build future updates. They react to Mark Gurman’s report that Apple has a plan to make it easier to bring iOS apps to the Mac, and finally, they catch up on Daniel’s post-release MarsEdit activity.

I also posted episode 91 of Timetable. It’s about 3 minutes on Eminem lyrics and getting your one shot.

The daily 100-user limit for new registrations is working well. We hit it fairly early yesterday, but I like the slow growth. Only possible because the business is simple and we’ll never have ads.

→ 2017/12/21 9:58 am

Apple battery issue is about secrecy

Like most Apple controversies, the iPhone performance/battery issue seems overblown. I like Ben Thompson’s take from today’s daily update:

The biggest problem here is Apple’s lack of transparency and communication: if iOS is slowing down iPhones for battery reasons, then iOS should say so. Pretending everything works perfectly until it is painfully obvious that it doesn’t fits with Apple’s generally secretive ethos, but it runs into the painful reality that it isn’t actually true.

Apple usually tries to do the right thing. But they are absolutely crippled in how they communicate with users and developers. At this point, 6 years after Steve Jobs died, clinging to the Steve-inspired obsession with secrecy just looks clumsy. It’s the right lesson for the narrow window of product announcements, now applied universally to the wrong parts of their business.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Also, missed a photo upload bug in the web version, which I just rolled out a fix for.

→ 2017/12/19 2:22 pm

Major update to today is now available to anyone. There’s a limit of 100 new sign-ups each day, so that we can better respond to feedback as the community grows. Thanks so much to the thousands of Kickstarter backers and new users who have helped us improve the platform this year.

We’re also rolling out the following improvements across the web, iOS, and Mac versions of

Mac icon

  • New app icons on iOS and Mac! We love this redesign by Brad Ellis. now feels much more at home on macOS.
  • Added photo upload to the web version of
  • Added a “Show More” button to load more posts in the timeline on iOS and Mac.
  • Fixed Discover section in iOS and Mac to allow selecting posts.
  • Improved iOS sharing from Safari to include the page title in addition to URL and selected text.
  • Experiment with following domain name user accounts. The first is, letting you see headlines from The New York Times home page in your timeline. (This is not affiliated with the New York Times. It’s possible because works with RSS feeds.)

Plus a bunch of minor improvements and bug fixes. You can download the latest versions of from the iOS App Store or directly for your Mac.

As a Glen Keane fan and basketball fan, I was really looking forward to Dear Basketball. Didn’t even connect that they’d play it at Kobe’s jersey retirement. Of course! Glad it got a big viewing.

→ 2017/12/18 11:14 pm

We saw The Last Jedi yesterday and really enjoyed it. Hoping to see it again over the holidays.

→ 2017/12/18 8:42 am

Core Intuition 309

This week on Core Intuition, Daniel and I talk about how the MarsEdit 4 release is going:

Daniel and Manton catch up on MarsEdit 4’s progress a week after releasing. They talk about the anxiety and fear of making a huge mistake when releasing, and the relief of discovering you haven’t. They reflect on the effectiveness of direct email to inform existing customers of updates, and Manton looks forward to releasing to the public, and how much PR fanfare he should be looking to generate.

I’ve been working on several new features for this week. Consistent with Daniel’s advice on the show, I think we’re going to roll out new stuff for next week and start ramping up promotion. Really excited about the way things are coming together.

iMac Pro-related confession: I only have 8 GB in my MacBook Pro. On this computer I’ve built, developed iOS apps, edited hundreds of podcasts, and produced a Kickstarter video. Good value.

→ 2017/12/14 10:40 am