Monthly Archives: August 2008


I made a comment on “Dave Winer’s points”: about McCain VP pick Sarah Palin that I feel like I should republish here. I’ve commented on dozens of blogs and news sites through the primaries, but I haven’t posted here on this blog, instead preferring to let off steam on Twitter. I think this comment serves as a nice snapshot in time of the race, at least from my perspective, so here it is:

Some of your points may end up being true, but let me just address number 6. Since you didn’t vote for Hillary, there are 18 million people who know more about this point than you do.

Every day this week at the convention, the main news story was Hillary and party unity. What would she say, would Democrats unite? Well she hit it out of the park with her speech, and Bill Clinton did too, and then Biden followed strong and it was easy to be excited about being a Democrat, about the story of Obama and Biden and how hopelessly lost the Republicans were by comparison. Even those Democrats who were frustrated with the party, and disappointed with Obama in general, started to warm up to the ticket.

When McCain picked Palin, it was like none of the week had happened. Everything was reset back to the primaries, in how Hillary had been treated by the press, party, and Obama supporters, and how Obama had passed her over for VP.

On the issues, Palin is no Hillary. But every day for the next 2 months, Palin will be a reminder to disgruntled Democrats that Obama messed up.

Buzz on software entrepreneurship

“Buzz Andersen responds”: to some of Mike Lee’s recent blog posts:

“We’re living in the ‘anyone can play guitar’ era of software entrepreneurship. Because of the confluence of increasingly accessible developer tools and the Internet, it’s now reasonable to think that one or two talented people, with little to no investment, can make anything from a good living to a fortune by bringing their idea to life. What kills me about the outmoded Silicon Valley gold rush mentality that I feel has entered the Mac developer community for the first time because of the iPhone is how much it fundamentally ignores the significance of Apple’s App Store as a field leveler.”

Although I was at first disappointed that I had no time (either at VitalSource or for my own projects) to have an iPhone app at launch, as the weeks and months pass since the App Store opened I find myself less and less sure about what the App Store market actually looks like. Everything is changing very quickly. While there is no doubt a huge opportunity in iPhone development — and with another 30-40 million iPhones hitting next year, each of those new customers will have their own impulse buys and novelty purchases, to say nothing of the real apps that people need on their phone — at the same time I wonder when iPhone development will be as mature and stable as the Mac software market is.

This isn’t a direct comment on what Buzz is saying. His blog and comments on “Mike’s post”: are right-on as usual.

FLV metadata performance

One of worst-kept secrets of “Wii Transfer”: is that the movie playback is not as good as what you might see on an Apple TV, Xbox 360, or PS3. I do my best to improve the quality with every release, but let’s face it: while the Wii is perfectly capable of playing fullscreen video, it stumbles when put to that task inside the Opera web browser through Flash.

In the upcoming version 2.6, I’ve added the ability to skip directly to any part of a playing movie by clicking on the timeline with the Wii remote. It was frustrating not to be able to do that in previous versions and made it difficult to watch or fast-forward through long movies.

The way many Flash movie players handle skipping is by inserting metadata into the FLV file that contains a map between seconds in the timeline and file positions for the keyframes, and that’s the way Wii Transfer works as well. Unfortunately this requires rewriting the entire FLV file when post-processing movies. (“Ian Baird”: suggested a future optimization would be to store the metadata separately and redo the player to send seconds instead of file offsets to the server.) I was initially using the open source flvtool2.rb to achieve this, but it was extremely slow, so I rewrote it in Objective-C. (Not a port. The Objective-C version was written from scratch and is significantly shorter than the Ruby version in terms of lines of code. It does a little bit less, but it’s optimized for exactly what Wii Transfer needs.)

This chart shows the performance improvements when processing a couple large movie files. Measured in seconds, so shorter bars are better.

FLV chart

The other good thing that came out of all this work is that I can now look at a FLV file in a hex editor and not be totally confused. “Hex Fiend”: was one of the best ways to debug what my code was doing when it failed.

I Am Rich

I wasn’t going to give the silly $999 “I Am Rich” iPhone application any more attention after the initial laugh, but the more that everyone reacts to what went wrong the more clear it becomes that there is something to learn here. “Kottke thinks Apple shouldn’t restrict”: based on taste; “Ryan Irelan points to no shopping cart”: as the problem; “Dan Benjamin mostly agrees”: but with some more analysis; and “John Gruber hits the same points”: and mentions (in passing) what I think is the real problem: refunds.

iPhone developers have wondered for months how refunds were going to be handled. Although demo and trial versions (if added) will be used by many more customers, refunds to unhappy customers represent an extremely important part of the relationship between developer and customer. I’ve written before about “my philosophy with refunds”: and customer support, an opinion that is shared pretty universally in the Mac community. Just yesterday I gave a refund to a customer who purchased the software over a year ago, but apparently didn’t get around to actually using it recently and found it did not meet his needs.

If there were a proper way for developers to send App Store refunds — because of unmet expectations (app crashes or doesn’t work as advertised) or accidental purchases (my son bought this without asking me) — then this issue just goes away. It doesn’t matter whether I Am Rich is worth $999 or whether the shopping cart should be an option in iTunes. The core issue is refunds because it fixes several problems at once, and removes Apple’s personal judgement about what is good or bad for iPhone users.

Core Intuition 6

I’ve really been neglecting this blog. I’m not sure what it is — I have plenty of posts in draft form and it’s not particularly hard to hit the “Send to Weblog” button.

Speaking of people who wrote MarsEdit, our sixth episode of “Core Intuition”: is out. Daniel and I spend a good chunk of the show on bug tracking, thoughts on running a software business while preparing for a new baby, staying inspired and getting distracted, and a bunch more. Plus we put out a call for good artists to contact us.

We had a lot of fun with the show and I hope you enjoy listening to it. If you have feedback, send an email or “post a comment on Daniel’s blog”:

WWDC 2008 wrap-up

Yes, this post is a month and a half late. I could probably just re-post what I wrote in 2007 and it would almost pass for this year’s WWDC review. Just insert more iPhone and more beer.

Instead of a formal write-up, I wanted to piece together the week from Twitter posts, but that proved tedious enough that I had to write a little app to help me out. I started by adding my own relevant tweets for WWDC week, then threw in a dozen people I follow and selectively picked the tweets that were significant or about events for which I didn’t directly post.

So here you go. How I remembered WWDC 2008, in 95 tweets.

manton: Totally forgot about partitioning my MacBook for potential 10.6, but (surprise!) it’s still partitioned from last time. Now packing. Sat 06:14 PM

manton: Woke 20 minutes before my alarm. Making coffee for my taxi driver / wife. Sun 03:52 AM

manton: Migas in AUS while waiting for my plane to get here. As usual arrived way too early. Sun 06:26 AM

manton: I brought a Wiimote with me for testing and the lights are blinking. Suddenly paranoid about Bluetooth on planes, so taking batteries out. Sun 06:28 AM

manton: San Diego airport. Slightly delayed flight. Never been here but it looks like the worst place for a layover. Sun 10:15 AM

manton: Landed at SFO. Sun 01:08 PM

willie: bart Sun 01:25 PM

manton: Still surprised to run into other devs in person. Almost adjusted from online to real world. Sun 03:03 PM

duncan: Bumped into @willie @manton and @phi Sweet!!!!! Sun 03:39 PM

dmoren: en route to sfMacIndie via Moscone West… Sun 05:16 PM

brentsimmons: At Jillian’s — Tommy’s next. Sun 07:45 PM

dmoren: chilling with @clint and @ejacqui. I do not know where in SF they have taken me. Hope I make it to the keynote tomorrow. Sun 08:38 PM

bmf: Tommy’s’d! Sun 10:47 PM

ccgus: chiefton! Sun 11:34 PM

gruber: Fucking-A, @nevenmrgan, @seoulbrother, @manton, not a bad scene at all. Mon 12:21 AM

danielpunkass: I’m so not going to Denny’s. I am at home away from home in my sweet friends’ guest room. Final tweets then good night. Mon 02:21 AM

rtmfd: Running on fumes, tequila fumes. Mon 06:35 AM

manton: Set my alarm for 9am. Woke at 7 with the sun streaming through the windows. Aeiii. Mon 07:34 AM

chockenberry: I will be happy to demo [REDACTED] apps during WWDC. You can touch it. Mon 08:07 AM

manton: And I’m in. Mon 09:53 AM

moonshark: in the WWDC keynote, good view considering the crowds Mon 09:56 AM

atomicbird: Al Gore is here Mon 10:02 AM

gruber: Holy shit $199 for 8GB Mon 11:48 AM

twelvelabs: Happy to finally get to see several months of my work shared with the rest of the world. Mon 12:07 PM

manton: Apple published a Snow Leopard press release before even showing developers? Not cool. Mon 01:28 PM

manton: Graphics and Media, don’t let us down. I’m hovering dangerously between disappointed and satisfied from this morning and early afternoon. Mon 04:58 PM

brentsimmons: Heading for buzz’s party. Mon 06:57 PM

manton: Dinner and good "best of the day" discussion with @willie, @moonshark, and work folks. Heading to Buzz party. Mon 08:31 PM

manton: Choosing sleep. Tue 12:24 AM

manton: Forget 3G, forget GPS. You know what I would pay $199 for? Flagging messages in MobileMail. Tue 12:35 AM

buzz: Well, I think we can call the party a success. Tue 12:45 AM

manton: Guessed i picked the wrong session. Mostly new people based on the show of hands. Tue 10:40 AM

manton: Session hopping is much better than seeing yet another intro to Xcode demo. Tue 11:07 AM

ashponders: @manton is not carrying anything today. I am jealous. Tue 11:24 AM

manton: iPhone view controllers. Nice thing about only playing with the SDK a little is that I’ll learn more this week. Tue 01:43 PM

brentsimmons: CocoaHeads tonight. 7-9 Apple Store. Presentations + Q&A. Tue 01:59 PM

manton: Almost the end of day 2, and I’m not sick of the iPhone yet. Tue 04:46 PM

manton: W too busy. Grabbing quick noodles at Metreon before CocoaHeads. Tue 06:30 PM

louielouie: At CocoaHeads WWDC – getting to hear about Objective-J first-hand woohoo Tue 07:05 PM

ccgus: I just realized I didn’t demo acorn in my pres Tue 07:45 PM

brentsimmons: Heading to Ars party. Tue 09:21 PM

manton: Good presentations at CocoaHeads. Outside full Ars party wondering what’s next. Tue 09:43 PM

brentsimmons: Tempest. Yest. Tue 11:31 PM

macdevnet: Back from Cocoaheads and Ars Party, I think I’m getting to old for this. Great to spend some time getting to know @manton though Wed 12:10 AM

manton: Why can’t I sleep in? This is annoying. It’s as if my kids are here virtually, waking me up across time zones. Wed 07:14 AM

manton: Pixar session is always good, got in early. Wonder what @SenorDanimal is up to. Wed 12:06 PM

ccgus: I lost manton Wed 12:08 PM

manton: Push stuff is elegant, but the team doesn’t seem to understand the scale of what they are building. Wed 03:04 PM

manton: Grand Central Dispatch. Cool stuff. Looking forward to randomly using blocks a lot before the fun wears off. Wed 04:06 PM

manton: Apple Design Awards. I didn’t enter, so I’m almost relaxed. Good luck to all. Wed 07:33 PM

willie: At ADA. We didnt enter because our lack of superfluous shiny technologies Wed 07:37 PM

manton: Congrats to @nevenmrgan on the ADA win! Wed 08:09 PM

manton: Twitterific won! Congrats @chockenberry, well deserved. Wed 08:14 PM

atomicbird: Best iPhone productivity app: OmniFocus Wed 08:15 PM

manton: Going to stay for at least part of Stump to support @willie‘s addiction. Wed 08:50 PM

manton: I don’t usually sit this close to the front. Scared. Wed 09:05 PM

willie: Involved in 2 stump points for the crowd this year. Rock. James Brown and the Quadra 840av. Wed 10:15 PM

manton: A surprising number of people I know are winning Stump t-shirts this year. Wed 10:28 PM

brentsimmons: At chieftain. 5th and Howard. Wed 10:47 PM

brentsimmons: Tempest now, folks. Thu 01:02 AM

manton: Using the iPod dock in the hotel room. Strange, but the first time I’ve actually ever used a radio dock. Sounds good! Thu 07:57 AM

manton: Wish there were Apple t-shirt sizes between kids 7 and adult small. Preferably in pink. Thu 09:48 AM

manton: Sitting in on Advanced Ajax for a change of pace. Thu 10:20 AM

manton: Typing lyrics into Google on iPhone to expand my WWDC music playlist. Thu 10:29 AM

manton: @atomicbird Tom Dowdy. It was a great tribute. Thu 10:36 AM

manton: Wasn’t going to see Dinosaurs, but intrigued after hearing a better description. Thu 12:26 PM

manton: Just passed @schwa talking enthusiastically to a trash can. Then noticed the earbuds. Thu 03:34 PM

manton: Debugging with WebKit session. Inspector just keeps getting better. Still like CSSEdit, buy may use it less. Thu 04:01 PM

danmessing: Apple bash time. Thu 06:48 PM

gruber: Thirsty Bear with Buzz Andersen and other malfeasants. Thu 09:05 PM

buzz: Drinking a Golden Vanilla beer with assorted Mac noteables at the Thirsty Bear. Thu 09:16 PM

willie: Barenaked Ladies – Thu 10:09 PM

moonshark: Bare Naked Ladies – Apple WWDC Bash – Thu 10:11 PM

dmoren: totally just film-geeked out with @nevenmrgan. Hitchcock, bitches. Thu 11:23 PM

brentsimmons: Heading to Tempest. Thu 11:56 PM

danielpunkass: Tempest tonight was perfect crowd. Could have used several more hours of that scenario. ‘Tis a shame. Fri 02:27 AM

bmf: Dan M. wrote the "e" and ate the shit out of some toast. Fri 03:01 AM

danielpunkass: I got my ride home thanks to @manton‘s cab allowance. Thanks! Fri 03:06 AM

manton: Last WWDC session. It’s been a great week but can’t wait to be home. Fri 01:58 PM

manton: Dropped my badge at the hotel and going to wonder around. To everyone I missed saying goodbye to: safe travels and seeya next time! Fri 03:17 PM

manton: @brentsimmons @rtmfd I’m going to take a raincheck on last drinks until the next conference, need to go shopping. Was good to hang out. Fri 03:30 PM

manton: The Ms Pac-man in the W lobby doesn’t need quarters. Fun. Fri 03:43 PM

manton: Visiting the Cartoon Art Museum. Fri 04:04 PM

manton: Walking to Chinatown in search of gifts. Fri 05:24 PM

manton: Walking back to the hotel using the longest possible route. Feel very relaxed. Fri 06:08 PM

duncan: Taking @willie @manton @phi Daniel and crew to Luce. Oh yeah. Celebration of a long week. Fri 07:01 PM

willie: dining with @pinar @duncan @moonshark @manton & others. Good times. Fri 07:23 PM

willie: Pantade – Fri 07:41 PM

willie: Bisque – Fri 07:41 PM

ccgus: A great WWDC photo set: Fri 08:33 PM

willie: Study of Chocolate – Fri 08:41 PM

danielpunkass: I’m committing to never beat myself up again for missing lots of sessions at WWDC. The social contacts are priceless and inspirational. Fri 09:45 PM

manton: Great dinner with the work folks + @duncan, @pinarozger, and Daniel Steinberg (no twit?). @willie has the food photos. Fri 10:08 PM

manton: And that’s it. Catching a taxi to SFO. WWDC review: worst keynote, best conference week. Sat 06:27 AM

manton: Landed in Austin. Pretty funny flight crew made the trip back easier. Sat 01:31 PM