Phillips, Texas
Phillips, Texas is located in Hutchinson County and today is a ghost town.
It was founded as Pantex, Texas. In 1938 Pantex and Whittenburg, Texas combined. The combined town was renamed Phillips for the dominant employer, the Phillips Petroleum Company by a vote of the people.
Past Demographics
Max Population: 4,250 in 1947
1950 School Fire
March 19, 1950, a fire destroyed the high school. Local churches house classes until the new school was built.
Decreasing Population
In the 1950s and 1960s improved highways and transportation resulted in many businesses and people moving to Borger, Texas. By 1980 the population had dropped to about 2,500.
1980 Explosion
A hydrocarbon explosion at the refinery in 1980 obliterated part of the industrial area and some nearby homes. Damages were estimated to be in the millions. The town was permanently evacuated and most of the remaining buildings and homes were demolished. Many of the residents moved to near by Borger, Texas.
There is much debate over whether people left on their own accord or that it was evacuated for contamination reasons.
Today, the high school is one of the few buildings left.