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Subunit of the structure of proustite, a sulfosalt mineral. This picture shows the connectivity of the trithioarsenite trianion to Ag+ (arsenic is colored violet).

Trithioarsenite, also called sulfarsenite, is the trianion AsS3−3. It is a pyramidal anion, as is typical of other AsIIIX3 compounds. It is generated by treatment of As2S3 with a sulfide:

As2S3 + 3 S2− → 2 AsS3−3

A fundamental synthetic trithioarsenite is Na3As3, which features the pyramidal AsS3−3.[1]

Thioarsenites are components of many sulfosalt minerals. An example is relatively common mineral proustite, Ag3AsS3,[2][3][4] which is silver(I) trithioarsenite.


  1. ^ Palazzi, M. (1976). "Structure cristalline de l'orthotrithioarsénite trisodique Na3AsS3". Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. 32 (12): 3175–3177. doi:10.1107/S0567740876009898.
  2. ^ Mindat
  3. ^ Webmineral
  4. ^ Trevelyan B. 1969: The electro-optic effect in proustite. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 1(1), pp. 1969; [1]