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Appropedia:Communications volunteers

From Appropedia
  • Responsibilities: Outreach, crafting publicity material, social media.
  • Work basis: Part time, virtual internship.
  • Intern's location: Anywhere in the world with an internet connection. (If you happen to be located close to one of our directors, admins or partners, we can arrange face-to-face meetings.)
  • Length of internship: 15 weeks at a minimum of 4 hours per week, or 7 months at min 8 hours per week. Other arrangements can be accommodated.
  • Benefits: See below.

If you're studying Communications, or wanting to break into the field, and you're passionate about solutions for positive change in the world, then this could be the opportunity for you. Appropedia is looking for interns. Your role will be to help Appropedia communicate and engage with people who would want to know about this project but don't know yet (or don't understand it), as well as communicate with and strengthen our existing community. With your mentor you will ch

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