Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

No Request New Password

Remove "Request new password" link from block and user page. This module is very useful for sandbox sites where test users can't change your own password and for third party authentication like...
Categories: Access control


RoleAssign specifically allows site administrators to further delegate the task of managing user's roles while withholding the Administer permissions permission. RoleAssign introduces a new...
Categories: Access control

COOKiES Consent Management

User consent management module for Drupal. The module enables existing third-party-integration modules continued to be used in compliance with the GDPR (of course without manipulating their code)....
Categories: Access control, Content display, E-commerce

Automatic IP ban (Autoban)

Advanced ban is a replacement to Drupal core Ban module. Advanced ban module allows administrators to ban visits to their site from IP addresses like core ban module and has additive features:...
Categories: Access control, Administration tools, Security

User protect

This module allows fine-grained access control of user administrators, by providing various editing protection for users. The protections can be specific to a user, or applied to all users in a...
Categories: Access control

Simple OAuth (OAuth2) & OpenID Connect

Simple OAuth is an implementation of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework RFC. Based on League\OAuth2 This module uses the fantastic PHP library OAuth 2.0 Server from The League of Extraordinary...
Categories: Access control, Decoupled, Integrations

Menu Item Role Access

Why would you need this module? There are times when you need to restrict the items users see without having completely separate menus. Enter Menu Item Role Access, this module allows you to...
Categories: Access control, Site structure

Content locking (anti-concurrent editing)

Features Block concurrent editing: When a user is editing a node, any other user that attempts to edit the same node will be blocked from doing so, and notified that the content is already being...
Categories: Access control, Content editing experience

simpleSAMLphp Authentication

This module integrates Drupal with SimpleSAMLphp, the most robust and complete implementation of SAML in PHP. It makes it possible for Drupal to communicate with SAML or Shibboleth identity...
Categories: Security, Integrations, Access control

Mail Login

This module enables users to login by email address with the minimal configurations. For configuring mail login go to "/admin/config/people/mail-login". Available configurations: Enable login by...
Categories: Access control

Profile 2

Designed to be the successor of the core profile module, which is deprecated for Drupal 7. In contrast to the deprecated module this module provides a new, fieldable 'profile' entity - leverage the...
Categories: Access control, Automation

Flexible permissions

Now part of Drupal core 10.3 as the Access Policy API This module has been turned into a core system: [#3371246] Please do not start a new project using this module, unless you are using Group v2...
Categories: Access control


Drupal 10 status Releases in the 2.0.0 series are compatible with Drupal 9.5 and higher. The 2.0.0-beta1 release is a code-only update from 8.x-1.0-beta8. Upgrading should only require a cache...
Categories: Access control, Multilingual, Developer tools


Nodeaccess is a Drupal access control module which provides view, edit and delete access to nodes. Users with the 'grant node permissions' permission will have a grant tab on node pages which...
Categories: Access control

Redirect after login

SUMMARY - Redirect After Login ================================= A simple module providing a feature to redirect users according to an URL-defined the parameter after logging in. Allows redirecting...
Categories: Access control

SAML Authentication

Allows users to authenticate against a SAML Identity Provider to log in to your Drupal site. (This means your Drupal site serves as a SAML Service Provider.) A list of all modules with a similar...
Categories: Access control

Custom Permissions

This very light-weight module allows additional permissions to be created and managed through a administration form. It uses the menu access system to allow or dissalow access to it. On the...
Categories: Administration tools, Access control


The ACL module, short for Access Control Lists, is an API for other modules to create lists of users and give them access to nodes. It has no UI of its own and will not do anything by itself;...
Categories: Access control, Content editing experience, Developer tools

Two-factor Authentication (TFA)

Two-factor authentication for Drupal sites. Drupal provides authentication via something you know -- a username and password while TFA module adds a second step of authentication with a check for...
Categories: Access control, Security

Block Region Permissions

The Block Region Permissions module allows you to control access to administer blocks within each theme's regions. The following permissions are added: Administer: [theme] - [region] Grants access...
Categories: Access control, Administration tools

Access unpublished

Description: This is an easy to use module that grants access to view unpublished content (node, media, anything that implements EntityPublishedInterface) to anyone who has a unique URL and...
Categories: Access control

Generate Password

Great utility module which makes the password field optional (or hidden) on the add new user page (admin & registration). If the password field is not set during registration, the system will...
Categories: Access control, Administration tools, Developer tools

Filter Permissions

This module provides filters at the top of the Permissions page for easier management when your site has a large amount of roles and/or permissions. This has the potential to help if your...
Categories: Access control, Administration tools

Block Exclude Pages

This module adds an exclude pages filter for blocks. To exclude specific pages after the wild card or in between wildcards, simply prefix the path pattern with a prefixed '!' in the block page...
Categories: Access control, Content editing experience

Menu Item Visibility

This module exposes configurable and extendable visibility settings for menu links. For example, if you want to create a 'My account' link that points to /user, both anonymous and registered users...
Categories: Access control
