Contact for Stakeholders


Communication Channel
Contact us for questions and suggestions concerning products and services by Email
FETnet Website Customer Care、self-care APP, and online chat
In-store face-to-face communication、official correspondence, arbitration meeting
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Product information meeting and marketing activities
phonechatContact Us

Customer Hotlines 0800-058885(free)
Far EasTone Post-Paid customers please dial 888/123(free)
Local Phone dial 449-5888/449-5123

FETnet Website Customer Care



Communication Channel
Communication through Investor Relations.
Hosted general shareholders meeting.
Hosted Global Investor Telephone Conference to facilitate direct communication between investors and executive management.
Dedicated units took part in domestic/overseas face-to-face institutional investor meetings to communicate with investors.
Investor Relations section on the website.
phonechatContact Us

Investor Relations Ms. Huang 886-2-7723-5000

Investor Relations section on the website



Communication Channel
Establish a sustainable supply chain with suppliers by signing the company's self-declaration of corporate social responsibility, integrity/audit management consent, supplier training and testing, supplier auditing, etc.
Conduct suppliers satisfaction surveys
Regularly hold supplier conferences and developer conferences to share and exchange global sustainable trends; at the same time drive supplier innovation
phonechatContact Us

Procurement Division, Mr. Tsou 886-2-7723-7675


Competent Authorities

Communication Channel
Business meetings and administrative inspections by the National Communications Commission (NCC)
Fair Trade Commission investigations
Official correspondence
phonechatContact Us

Legal Mr. Huang 886-2-7723-5000



Communication Channel
Press releases/conferences
Communication through Public Relations
phonechatContact Us

Public Relations 886-2-7723-5000


Community Group/NGO

Communication Channel
Communication through sponsorship and collaboration
phonechatContact Us

Corporate Sustainability Responsibility Mr. Chien 886-2-7723-5000



Communication Channel
Company-wide town hall meetings
Employee satisfaction survey
Employee suggestions/complaints mailbox
Performance evaluation and career development interview
Labor-management meetings (also known as Lantern Legend meetings)
Internal meetings of each business group and department
FET e-Express/FET Intranet/FET latest news
Activities of Employee Welfare Committee