RUSHES: BBC Chair Richard Sharp resigns: Richard Sharp statement

BBC Chair Richard Sharp resigns: Richard Sharp statement; ENGLAND: London: BBC: INT CUTAWAY shot of Richard Sharp (outgoing BBC Chairman) reading resignation statement at lectern SOT - I would like to thank Adam Heppenstall / - His view is while I did breach the code / - He states it doesn't invalidate an appointment / - I have always maintained it was inadvertent and not material / - Secretary of state supports that view / - I have decided that it is right to prioritise the interest of the BBC / - I have therefore resigned to the secretary of state and the board / - I will stay until June until we have a replacement / - When I sort to introduce cabinet secretary to Mr Blyth / - I am pleased that Mr Heppenstall supports the fact that the involvement in these matters was very limited / - He is happy to record that there was no part in financing a loan to the former PM / - I believed I had been removed from any conflict / - In my subsequent interview this conflict of interest I forgot to mention / - I apologise for this oversite / - For more than two years I have seen the beating heart of the BBC at heart / - It is unmatched anywhere / - I am proud to thought for funding for the World Service / - It has been an honour, people are hard working, enhancing it really matters //
BBC Chair Richard Sharp resigns: Richard Sharp statement; ENGLAND: London: BBC: INT CUTAWAY shot of Richard Sharp (outgoing BBC Chairman) reading resignation statement at lectern SOT - I would like to thank Adam Heppenstall / - His view is while I did breach the code / - He states it doesn't invalidate an appointment / - I have always maintained it was inadvertent and not material / - Secretary of state supports that view / - I have decided that it is right to prioritise the interest of the BBC / - I have therefore resigned to the secretary of state and the board / - I will stay until June until we have a replacement / - When I sort to introduce cabinet secretary to Mr Blyth / - I am pleased that Mr Heppenstall supports the fact that the involvement in these matters was very limited / - He is happy to record that there was no part in financing a loan to the former PM / - I believed I had been removed from any conflict / - In my subsequent interview this conflict of interest I forgot to mention / - I apologise for this oversite / - For more than two years I have seen the beating heart of the BBC at heart / - It is unmatched anywhere / - I am proud to thought for funding for the World Service / - It has been an honour, people are hard working, enhancing it really matters //

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
28 april 2023
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United Kingdom
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1080 25i