myo ⋆。˚ ❀ *'s Reviews > The Heart Principle

The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang
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it was ok
bookshelves: authors-of-color, completed-series, smut

when you’re most anticipated release becomes your most disappointing book of the year 😅

this was one of my anticipated releases of the year and i’m honestly so sad because i was disappointed by it. Quan was my favorite character in the trilogy and for his book to be my least favorite book hurts. i really don’t care for online dating as a romance trope because why would i read about that when i can just go experience it myself? i just expected something more fun and i did not get that.

but also the book in general just didn’t feel like the rest of the book? i know that the author based the main character, anna, struggles on her own but it just didn’t seem fitting for the book and kind of made the tone of the series awkward. the plotline was heavily focused on mental health and overbearing family’s, i don’t mind that but when i go into a romance i kind of.. you know, expect the main plot to be romance.
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Reading Progress

April 9, 2020 – Shelved
April 9, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
June 4, 2021 – Started Reading
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: authors-of-color
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: smut
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: completed-series
June 8, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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Shriya Garg 💯. Disappointed by the lack of romance, and if there ever was one, it was completely one sided with Quan doing all the giving. I honestly didn't think Anna was in a place where she could start a new romantic relationship, and I have a hard time accepting Quan took it all in stride

message 2: by Michaela (new) - added it

Michaela yes, i agree to everything you said. It just lacks romance for me, even the spicy scenes are honestly a bit awkward to read.

Maddevi This was in no way a romance and the last part was so confusing. She mentions not cleaning and laundry piling up but she lived with Quan at that point. How did that work? He just stepped over it?

Camila Sa yess the fact there was soo little romance was so disappointing:( Quan is such an angel he deserved more 😔

Shania Croney Seriously, I'm about to DNF it. Not really into Anna as a protagonist. LOVE Quan. Not really romantic as well.

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