2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
on the good side of mediocre...
4 March 2012
It's not bad... It's not good. It's exactly what it needs to be. Very okay.

Lots of sex jokes, sometimes cheesy, sometimes raunchy but most of the times enjoyable. The actresses that play the lead roles are perfectly cast. Especially Kat Dennings, who, even with material that isn't always up to par, lights up the screen with her wonderful, sensual, charismatic, yet sometimes almost painfully sarcastic and bitter sense of humor.

I don't know. I've watched a lot of episodes of season one, and somehow I just keep watching whenever I need some harmless, simple humor. I think that this show completely proves that good leads really can carry a show and capture an audience. It's just a sweet concept, literally, with the cupcakes and all, and it's a warm show, made with some love and fun. I'm not impressed by it but I like it. At the moment it's the only comedy show I watch. Much better than a lot of other crap out there. Maybe not as good a some shows, like modern family and community or 30 rock. It's not brilliant in any way, it's not new and original in any way, but you really feel for the characters, maybe not right away but after a few episodes you start appreciate them.

This sounds like such a "meh..." review, but it's really not. Beth Behrs, who I really haven't seen in anything else, portrays the part of the naive rich girl who just landed in the gutter just fine and endearing. It's a joy to see Jennifer Coolidge working again, she's just wonderful in portraying "over the top" characters, sometimes I almost feel ashamed that a movie and TV fanatic like me likes her, but hey, everybody has their guilty pleasures. At the moment 2 broke girls is mine. When I don't want to think and just want to watch something fun.

Plus, I really dig the fact that this show is not shy about the sex jokes and sometimes gets really rude. Don't we all sometimes?
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