The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)
Torin Thatcher: Johnson
Cynthia Green : What is the matter with me, Mr. Johnson?
Johnson : Everybody isn't required to like Africa, you know.
Cynthia Green : I try to put on a show because I know he loves it so. But all of it - the hunting, the killing - terrifies me.
Johnson : See here, this thing that he was talking about - the excitement - call it courage. The way he feels, it is a man's feeling, natural in a man, grows in a man, and makes him a man. Not particularly to his credit if he has it but something lacking if he hasn't. A woman shows her courage in other ways, - many ways.
Johnson : Why is it everyone who comes to Africa has to write a book about it? One silly beggar even dedicated his to me! Never came back or I'd have shot him in the pants!
Johnson : See here, I'm just a hunter. I can only say it the way I know how. It's when you run away, you're most liable to stumble.
Cynthia Green : I'm going to have a baby.
Johnson : What?
Cynthia Green : We came to Africa for trophies. Harry's got his, and I've got mine.