At the dance studio, Matthew's shirt is wet in the middle of his back, but in the next shot, it is not.
At Steve and Fran's wedding, the side part in Penny's updo changes from right to left throughout the day.
When Mary & Steve/Eddie are fixing the statue, Steve's hand is cupping the statue and when he takes his hand off, the piece is in a different position stuck in his hand.
When Mary, Steve and Fran are driving to the vineyard, Fran's seat belt is visible and then not visible throughout the scene.
When Steve rescues Mary from the dumpster, they fall to the ground and Steve catches her head with his left hand. In the next few shots, his hand jumps from underneath her head to a hand either side of her head.
Steve only eats the brown M&M's and discards the rest because he doesn't want to eat the color dyes. In fact, the candy coating is actually white. All M&M's are dyed.
After the dance lesson when Fran says Eddie will have to take off work on Friday to go inspect the vineyard as a possible wedding site, he says he can't because he has a diverticulitis seminar. It would be highly unlikely that he would be attending such as seminar if he was a pediatrician since diverticular disease is uncommon before the age of forty.
The invitation to Fran & Steve's wedding shows "Saturday June 6th 2001" as the date, whereas June 6th 2001 was a Wednesday.
When Steve tracks down Mary in the park, you can see their breath, even though it is supposed to be June. However, at night in San Francisco, it can get that cold.
After Steve saves Mary and Mary's subsequent hospital stay, Steve tells Mary that he only treats pediatric patients. In the same scene, Steve checks Mary's blood pressure with an adult blood pressure cuff when a pediatric pressure cuff should be the norm, as it is a children's hospital. However it is a hospital and of course would have adult equipment around. A child's arm cuff would not work properly on an adult arm.
At the beginning, Fran's full name is said to be Francine, but the wedding announcements show Frances. But Frances just like Fran is a nickname for Francine so it could go either way.
When Mary's shoe gets stuck in the manhole cover, the same red car comes toward her in several of the shots and the distance changes with each one, as it should.
After Mary and Steve knock the statue over, they lift it back into place far too easily for the limestone it's supposed to be made of. It also makes a hollow sound, as though made of fiberglass or plastic.
When Mary and Eddie are looking at statues, when they are trying to push it back to place you can see the wire pulling it up.
Wire can be seen between torso and extended arm of figure when Mary and Steve are shopping for statues.
An establishing shot of downtown San Francisco with a pink sky was shown before Mary went to work in the morning. Later in the movie when Steve and Mary were riding a moped in the evening, the same skyline and same pink sky were shown.
In the scene with the falling statue, as Mary and Steve pick it up, Steve's mouth does not move with the words that he is supposed to be saying.
A taxi journey from the Golden Gate Park to City Hall would not go via the Presidio. It's clearly more dramatic for the movie if they get stuck in a traffic jam with a beautiful background, but there is a much shorter way to get to city hall.
If Mary is a professional wedding planner who read the Donnelly engagement announcement and was going after the account, there is no way that she would not have known the full name of the groom, not to mention the fact that he is a doctor, regardless of the nickname Fran used for her fiancé.
In the opening wedding, no wedding planner would start a wedding without having everyone accounted for and in place.
When Penny comes to collect Mary at the hospital after her mishap, she grabs a black coat off the coat rack. Mary did not have a black coat when she fell, just her caramel jacket.