101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002 Video)
Susanne Blakeslee: Cruella
Cruella : Your muse has returned!
Lars : But I am a failure. You should despise me.
Cruella : Oh, stop being such a wet blanket and come see what I've brought for you.
Lars : A gift... For me? How very "Christmas morning with the twinkle lights" of you.
Cruella : A gift of inspiration!
Lars : Well, of course. These are only
[pulls out dalmatian puppy]
Lars : just about the most adorable little puppies... I've ever seen in my whole life! Look at these cute little darlings! Oh, a fuzzy wuzzy little puppy poo! Poo-poo. Little puppy poo. Did you see that? Did you see that? He gave me a widdle kissy! I'm gonna kiss him back.
Jasper : [to Horace about Lars] He's having a wobbly.
Lars : And you mean for me to do a painting of them, don't you? That's an absolutely lovely idea! It makes me smile a lot.
Cruella : [to Horace and Jasper] "Painting of them," he says. No, no, no, darling. I don't want you to make art of the puppies. I want you to make art with the puppies. Use their coats as canvases. Create a masterpiece in a new medium. Together you and I will stun the art world...... with our ruthless originality!
Lars : But that means
Lars : How could you do such a thing to the cute little puppies?
Jasper : Poison them
Horace : Drown them.
Cruella : Bash them in the head
Lars : I may be eccentric, but I am not... A SICKO!
Cruella : [angered] What?
Lars : You'll not hurt one spot...... on these innocent little creatures' heads! Not as long as I have anything to say about it!
[Gets tied up and gagged upside down]
Cruella : I thought you were a man of vision someone who understood my passions who understood the complexity that is Cruella! Does no one get the point? Oh, Lars, you're such a disappointment. Oh, well. If I can't have a masterpiece... at least I'll finally have a fabulous Dalmatian coat. That's almost as good. Don't you agree?