After buying the collectors edition of From Dusk Till Dawn(mainly to see Full Tilt Boogie, which was also featured in it), I saw this nice little documentary. It has some very good interview bits with the various actors and crew-members, but all in all, it's mainly just the actors and crew-members expressing their opinions about Tarantino and Rodriguez, which isn't something everyone cares about; it has little to no information about the actual process of film-making(which I suppose Full Tilt Boogie has), but I enjoyed it. It was fun to hear the various actors talking about Rodriguez and Tarantino, and there are a few bits where the director and writers family members(Tarantino's mother and Rodriguez' sister) talked about them as well. Not much else to put here, but I suppose I could write a fun little piece of trivia about the collectors edition DVD; it features two music videos, ZZ Top with She's Just Killing Me and Tito And The Tarantulas with After Dark. Both videos were directed and edited by Rodriguez. I thought that was kind of funny(partly because he wasn't contractually obliged to do them, which means he just did them, probably for fun). They are good, by the way. Both feature immense amounts of Salma Hayek, so most guys will probably enjoy them. All in all, I give this documentary a 5/10. Good for a watch or two.