Create and publish a LinkedIn Product Page

Last updated: 3 days ago

As a LinkedIn Page super or content admin, you can create Product Pages that showcase your organization’s products on your LinkedIn Page’s Product tab. When you create a new Product Page, our team must review it before it can be published.

Who can use this feature?

Product Pages are currently only available to Pages in the following types of industries: business-to-business (B2B) software, computer hardware, financial services, insurance, education, healthcare, and pharmaceutical.

To create a Product Page:

  1. Go to your Page super or content admin view.

  2. Select + Create below the Page name in the upper-left corner, then select +Add a product. If you don’t see the +Add a product option, your Page industry might not be eligible.

  3. Select whether your product and organization have the same name.

  4. If your product and organization have the same name, you’ll create a flagship Product Page.

    • Select Yes, my product and organization have the same name and click the Next button.
    • On the confirmation page, select the checkbox next to I understand, then click Create
  5. If your product and organization have different names:

    • Select No, my product has a different name and click the Next button.
    • Enter your product name and click the Get started button.
  6. You’ll be routed to your new Product Page.

  7. Enter all required information by clicking the Edit icon next to each field. Required fields are highlighted and include an asterisk.

    Important to know

    Click and type in the Add category field to see category options. Adding a category is mandatory, and your Product Page won’t be approved if you leave the field blank.

    • Your default #Hashtag is your #productname. For example, ABC Tools would be #abctools. Custom hashtags aren’t currently available.
  8. Click the Save button for each item edited.
  9. Click the Submit for review button.
    • You’ll receive a notification in your Activity tab once the approval process is complete.

To publish your Product Page once it’s approved:

  1. Go to your Page super or content admin view. 

  2. Click Activity in the left menu.

  3. Click the View product button, then Publish product.

Important to know

After a flagship Product Page has been published, the name and logo can’t be changed.

If your company offers more than one product, you can create up to 35 additional Product Pages. Only the ten mostly recently created Product Pages will be shown to your Page visitors. 

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