From the course: A Guide to Setting Boundaries in the Modern Workplace

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Constant contact

Constant contact

- It's Monday morning. Your alarm goes off and you slap the snooze button and pull the covers over your head. You're cringing inside. You'd rather do anything than go to work today. Why? Because today is your annual review and you've no idea what your boss is going to say but you doubt it's going to be good. As you get ready for work, you prepare yourself for what's ahead, promising you won't get defensive. You arrive at work and your shoulders, eyes and head are all drooping to the floor despite that extra espresso shot. Dread has taken over. Once you're at your desk, you wonder, "Couldn't this process be a little bit easier?" Heck yeah, it should be. And after you watch this lesson, you'll know how these hard to have conversations, not just with your boss, but also with your peers, can be less daunting and more empowering. First, don't wait till there's a crisis to communicate. When the channels of…
