From the course: A Guide to Setting Boundaries in the Modern Workplace

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Gaining work-life balance

Gaining work-life balance

- Four years ago, I took on a new entrepreneurial endeavor that I was ecstatic about. It would require a lot of hard work, focus, and dedication, but I didn't mind. I believed I had finally found the business. I had always been dreaming of owning until one day I was sitting in an elite training meeting that I'd been hand-selected for. I'd grown my business so quickly that I was one of the top producers in my organization. I should have been overjoyed to be recognized in this way, but all I felt was bitterness. I couldn't care less what we were discussing. Afterwards, I realized I had poured so much of myself into my business that my life was way out of balance. I felt lost and I had no joy. It was the wake up call I needed to make some important changes. In this lesson, I'll share three ideas that'll help you get real with yourself about your work and life habits, allowing you to have more balance in both areas.…
