From the course: A Guide to Setting Boundaries in the Modern Workplace

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Get out before you burn out

Get out before you burn out

- Growing up, whenever I went to a friend's house for a birthday party or some other fun activity, my mom would always tell me that she'd come and get me a half hour before it was over. I'd roll my eyes twist up my face and say, "Oh, mom, why?" And she'd respond, "Always leave while you're still having fun." As a seven-year-old girl, I didn't get it. But as I've grown older, I've discovered the wisdom in my mother's saying. It's better to leave when things are good and going well than it is when things are tough and going poorly. And the not-so-sad reality is, whether it's a party or your work, this truth still holds weight. It's better to leave while you're still having fun. Jobs have a natural cycle. You start out ecstatic. You've just arrived at the party. And the party that is work can be good for a while, many years in fact. But you know it when the good has run its course. In this lesson, you'll learn how to identify…
