From the course: A Guide to Setting Boundaries in the Modern Workplace

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The boundary coin

The boundary coin

- The ancient Greek storyteller Aesop once said, "Every truth has two sides. It as well we look at both before we commit ourselves to either." I think he was trying to hint at a saying we often use in our modern world today, that there are often two sides to every story, or two sides to every coin. And that expression, two sides of the same coin, is powerful. We look at things like love and hate, joy and sorrow, success and failure, believing that they're fundamentally different, but in reality, they're closer than we think. The phrase, two sides of the same coin, is merely another way of saying that there's different ways of looking at or dealing with the same situation. This is true when it comes to setting boundaries and establishing expectations. Boundaries, the limits around what you can or can't do, and expectations, what you need to do, are two sides of the same coin. They're two ways of dealing with the same…
