From the course: A Guide to Setting Boundaries in the Modern Workplace

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Working where you live

Working where you live

- Work from home. It always sounded so glamorous to me. Enter the year 2020 and a global pandemic and suddenly working from home lost all of its appeal. Instead of being a cool, refreshing thing to do once in a while, I mean, let's be real. Who doesn't want to work in their pajamas? It became a mandated requirement. Headlines like how to work from home without losing your sanity started cropping up everywhere. People were panicking. How do you work from home well? The key to working well from home can be summed up in one word, boundaries. Pandemic or no pandemic, boundaries, aka clear parameters, are vital when you work where you live. In this lesson, I'll explain how to evaluate and edit your habits and establish a workspace to help you create the mental space you need to successfully work from home. First, keep your spaces separate and sacred. Just like each room in a house has a designated purpose and is set apart…
