From the course: ArchiCAD 22 Essential Training

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Introduction to views and Quick Options

Introduction to views and Quick Options - Archicad Tutorial

From the course: ArchiCAD 22 Essential Training

Introduction to views and Quick Options

- [Voiceover] Before we continue documenting our project, we need to understand the concept of views and quick options. So basically, the quick option palettes will give us a set of filters that we can use to change how we visualize our model. Starting with the layers. So in layers we can create different layer combinations where we can choose which elements or which layers we want to display or not. For example, when I'm doing a drafting plan, I don't really want to see all the dimensions and all the tags and the information that make my plan more complicated. Or for example, when I'm detailing the plan, I don't want to see the furniture. So you can create views that display those elements or not by using layer combinations. Next, we can choose the scale of the model. Remember that we are modeling in a one to one scale, and then we can choose how we want to display that model, in one to 50 or in one to 100, or even one to 10 if we want to show more details. Next, we want to choose…
