From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Direct Distance Entry (DDE)

Direct Distance Entry (DDE) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Direct Distance Entry (DDE)

- We're staying in our drawing accurately .DWG file, and as you can see, I've left it in the same state as it was at the end of the last video, with the two rectangles that we created previously using different input methods to draw accurately. I'm going to show you now probably the quickest and easiest method of drawing accurately in AutoCAD. It's called D D E, Direct Distance entry. but we need to switch on some settings down on the status bar for this to work effectively. Now we'll leave the grid on and we're going to switch snap on initially, so switch snap on as well. We're then going to switch on our polar tracking again. This one here, we're going to click on the arrow next to it. And make sure that we're using the 90 degree increments. It should be that anyway, the default setting. But if it's set to something like 45 or 30 just make sure you select 90 at the top of the list. We're then going to…
