From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using the layer tools

Using the layer tools

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Ground Floor Plan, REV5.dwg file. And I want to take you through some of the fantastic tools that are available on the Layers Panel on the ribbon. So make sure you're in the home tab on the ribbon, there's the Layers Panel. Click on the little fly out there and just pin it open. Now you'll notice there's some tools here talking about layer states. We'll cover those later. I want to cover some of these fantastic tools up here. There's some really clever stuff going on. So for example, you'll see we're on the Landscaping Layer right now. If I click on make current here, and select an object on a particular layer. If I click here on the Bike Base now. It doesn't have to be a layer that I know, either. It can be a third party drawing that I've received, and I'm working on it. I just click on that line there, and Bike Base becomes the current Drafting Layer. Very quick and easy. The one…
