From the course: Building a Winning Enterprise Marketing Strategy
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Acquisition leadership strategy
From the course: Building a Winning Enterprise Marketing Strategy
Acquisition leadership strategy
- [Female] Napoleon famously said that strategy is the concentration of fire power on the right battlefield. And if you're a marketer, there are four potential battlefields for you, and those come from combining your customer focus choice of acquisition or retention, and your category choice of leadership or earn share. So that's going to give you four quadrants, and let me cover those in turn. So, if you are focused on customer acquisition and you have a leadership strategy, you are going to market as a category leader and you want to grow by getting people who are currently not in the category, to come into the category. And that is the strategy that companies like Tesla pursued when going to market. Or Dyson pursued initially in the 1990's when coming up with the cyclone vacuum cleaner. So here what you're doing is, you are a company that has a significant innovation, and that innovation can be summarized simply…
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