From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

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Solution: Model building

Solution: Model building

(bright music) - [Presenter] So here's the solution to our challenge. When evaluating your car price prediction model, it's crucial to check for the mean residuals. These residuals represent the differences between your model's predicted car prices, and the actual prices. Think of them as the remaining pieces of a puzzle after you've tried to fit all the parts together. If the mean of the residuals is very close to zero, it's a positive sign. It means that on average, your predictions are hitting the mark. They're very close to the actual car prices. It's like consistently getting your darts right in the center of the bullseye when playing a game of darts. This indicates that your car price prediction model is accurate and trustworthy. In simple terms, checking mean residuals ensures that your model doesn't consistently over or underestimate car prices, making it a reliable tool for predicting used car prices.
