From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

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Visualizing relationships: Age of homes and distance to work

Visualizing relationships: Age of homes and distance to work - SQL Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

Visualizing relationships: Age of homes and distance to work

- [Instructor] You see, scatter plots are like special lenses that help us see hidden patterns in our data. But before we dive in, let's talk about why you're using them. Scatter plots are excellent for showing how two variables are related to each other. They're like detectives trying to solve a mystery. In your case, you want to investigate the connection between two specific variables: age of homes and distance to work. So why these two? Well, when variables have a strong correlation, it's like they're whispering secrets to each other. In this case, you're interested in variables that have a significant correlation that is greater than or equal to .7 or less than or equal to negative .7. Now, if you flip back to your heat map from the last step, you can see that these two variables meet that criteria, so they're perfect candidates for a scatter plot investigation. When the following Python code is run, it generates…
