From the course: Cultivate a Global Entrepreneurial Mindset in a Remote Working World

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Forge high-quality conversations

Forge high-quality conversations

- How do you find quality? Quality attracts quality. Sharing your global knowledge is a two-way street. You must spend the time in creating an impactful conversation. Here are three ways that will help create that quality conversation. First, develop conversation starters. Initially pick non-controversial topics to discuss. It can be business or tech trends. Pick topics that you have some knowledge in and what interests you. Once you've created a handful of these starters, work them into your conversations. It's important knowing how to engage in these conversations. Make sure you ask key questions and look for ways to add value as well. Second, research the other person. I mean, research them as if they were an assignment. Google search the person, review their LinkedIn profile, any other public profiles or content that they published. Did they go to school overseas? Did they speak at a global conference? Are they…
