From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
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B2B marketing plan flow: The opening, middle, and end
From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
B2B marketing plan flow: The opening, middle, and end
- [Instructor] Marketers tend to be overwhelmed when put a big marketing plan together. One of the main reasons is that they don't know how to build a flowing logical structure to demonstrate all the information they want to share. The easiest way to solve that is to break your presentation into three parts, a beginning, a middle, and an end. It makes easier for you to determine what information should go where. I follow the three acts of most common storytelling structures which include act one, the opening, act two, the conflicts, and act three, the closure. In a typical movie or storytelling structure, things play out like this. Act one, sets up the world, characters, and the protagonist's desire, as well as the conflicts or obstacles that are preventing them from achieving their goals. Act two showcases the escalation of the conflict and a journey to achieve the final destination. Act three resolves the story…
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