From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
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B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 1
From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 1
- [Instructor] The middle part of your plan is the mid of your presentation. It's where you need to find the balance between addressing stakeholders' questions and presenting your marketing recommendations. To make your job easy, I like to share templates that you can pick and choose from and, or modify to fit your needs. The most common question asked by internal team is, hey, who is our target audience? Many stakeholders have different opinions about the target audience of the marketing plan. So make that clear upfront, and the alignment on this issue will guide messaging development and the content planning, and this is why personas are so vital and relevant. Here's a buyer persona template. A buyer persona it's a fictionalized characterization of your target customers based on research. Here's the persona template, the name, of your persona, title and demographics, followed by one statement to summarize their…
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