From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

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B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 2

B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 2

From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 2

- [Instructor] Let's continue our discussion on the middle part of your plan. In the previous video, we looked at a couple of templates to use as the meat of your presentation. In this video, I am going to show you a couple more templates. One for a messaging framework and another for a content list. In addition to addressing when to do what, management also wants to know hey, how do we position our products? Or what can we say that's unique about our products? And so the messaging framework, which is the important portion of a B2B plan can address that specific question. In this template, you can fill out information starting with product name or the product family name, the target audience that you want to go after, the value proposition of the product, the customer challenges, messaging positioning related to the challenges, the product features that you can highlight to substantiate your claims and then…
