From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
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B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 3
From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
B2B marketing plan: Templates for the middle, part 3
- [Instructor] As we've seen the middle part of your presentation provides details and the insights on what you'll do. We have already looked at the templates to address buyer's personas, key events and campaign timelines, a messaging framework and the content roadmap. In this video, we will look at more templates to get a sense of what you should use to show your marketing recommendations. With that in mind, use a slide to show all of your marketing channels you're plan to use over time. There are many channels that we use. So that's divided your channels into four categories: owned media, paid media, earned social and the paid social. Owned media are the platforms you have complete control over, like your website, your community, email subscriber list, your mobile app, blog, et cetera. Paid media are the channel that you pay for to get impressions and the publicity, such as TV commercials, banner ads…
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