From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

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B2B marketing plan: Tips for refining your presentation

B2B marketing plan: Tips for refining your presentation

From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

B2B marketing plan: Tips for refining your presentation

- [Instructor] You know when you get new furniture sets, you'll keep moving the furniture around to see how things will look in a room? Well, creating a presentation can be like that too. You may need to move slides around to create the flow of a story you want to tell and reconcile your slides with a list of questions and feedback from your stakeholders interview that we discussed in chapter one. Once the opening and middle parts are crafted your draft is 90% done. Now you need to spend time refining your planning presentation deck and making it better. First up, review the answers to your list of questions from the stakeholder interviews you conducted. Make sure that you address their key issues and the concerns. Lets say several stakeholders mentioned specific content pieces you need to create, well, be sure to add that as a part of your content roadmap. If some stakeholders ask you to run Twitter campaigns and you…
