From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

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How to gather key data: B2B marketing plans

How to gather key data: B2B marketing plans

From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

How to gather key data: B2B marketing plans

- [Instructor] You can't do a marketing plan without gathering and analyzing data, but there's some good news and the bad news. The good news is good data analytics allows you to substantiate your point of view and strengthen your recommendations, yay! The bad news is that this is the most time consuming and mundane task that you need to do, yet, is so vital. Oh, by the way, data gathering never stops. That's because the information you need has to come from many sources. Most time, it's on someone's hard drive. I've been there, I know. (instructor laughs) So you need to hunt. I've discovered most information is not only scattered around, but it's also locked up in people's heads, which I call tribal knowledge. In addition to hunting, you also need to ask around. The first person you ask may not give you a definitive answer, but they'll give you some clues to take to the next steps. By asking enough people,…
