From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
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How to interview your stakeholders: B2B marketing plans
From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
How to interview your stakeholders: B2B marketing plans
- [Instructor] Do you know how to talk to your stakeholders to get the most bang from them? Interviewing your stakeholders or management before writing your plan is essential part of a marketing plan. In this video, I'll show you how to prepare for interviews so that you can gather the most intelligence from your stakeholders. There are three steps to prepare for your interviews. First one, determine interview formats. Then, do your homework. Finally, create relevant interview questions. With interview formats, it's best to conduct your interview face-to-face, in person. Buy your stakeholders a cup of coffee or lunch as an incentive. If in-person face-to-face is impossible, host a virtual meeting and make sure to turn on your video so they can see you. Hopefully, you'll be able to see them, as well. But be aware that some people may prefer a chat with the camera off. Oh, don't forget to record the session, with their…
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